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IMAGE GAME A Foreign World [Pilot Episode] [APK]

A Foreign World [Pilot Episode] [APK]

Icon thông tin Details GameA Foreign World [Pilot Episode] [APK]

  • Tác giả Developer: HighbornTiger 
  • Phiên bản Version: Pilot Episode
  • Hệ điều hành Operating system: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android

About Game A Foreign World [Pilot Episode] [APK]

A Foreign World [Pilot Episode] [HighbornTiger]


Refugees from another universe. The plot of this visual novel revolves around this basic concept. What is going to happen when two very different worlds collide?
Nine women that grew up in a post-apocalyptic environment decide that they’ve had enough and try to seek shelter in a universe that they know very little of.

“And in case you are actually from a different universe, I’ll need to make sure that you don’t make this world your enemy.” – MCLuckily, our MC is one of the first people this strange group of refugees meets after they set foot on our earth. In this confrontation, the most significant difference between the two worlds becomes blatantly apparent. The members of the group of nine aren’t just strangely dressed, but they also seem to have abilities far surpassing that of human beings. Abilities that are considered common in the place where they grew up but would be described as impressive, magical, and unbelievably powerful on our earth.

Together they’ll have to face challenges from many different angles. This group of refugees is running away, but their previous life has no interest in letting them escape easily. There is one person in particular, and the conflict between him and the MC will be a driving force of the story. The person in question is called Nathaniel. His actions force our MC to come closer to each of these nine women to attain their abilities and become stronger himself.

But the problems don’t only come from one world. The arrival of these strange women didn’t go unnoticed. Agents have already been sent to assess the level of threat their presence poses to our earth.

Will you be able to help them sort things out, or will you accidentally start a war? You might even be whipped out by Nathaniel if you’re not careful. Are you sure you’re up to the task?


Image Game A Foreign World [Pilot Episode] [APK]


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Video Game A Foreign World [Pilot Episode] [APK]

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WindowsOS: Windows
Version: Pilot Episode
Version: Pilot Episode
AndroidOS: Android
Version: Pilot Episode
LinuxOS: Linux
Version: Pilot Episode

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