Made By CaxHub
Gamecax is a free website that features the best Adult Games, Erotic Comics, Hentai Manga, Visual Novels, RPGs and many more.
Gamecax was created by CaxHub (, We are trying to make your browsing enjoyable and promote the featured products and their developers so that more people would support them.
The security and pleasurable browsing of our users is one of our top priorities. Gamecax have fast page load times and more than 99% up time. The information on our website is monitored and updated daily.
We do not participate in shady schemes!
We do not use services with capped download speeds!
We offer you one of the largest collections of adult games and comics out there
The information on our website is monitored and updated daily. We work hard to bring you the latest updates of your favorite games as fast as possible.
New games are uploaded almost every day. Stay tuned and you might find the next best game so you can play and support it from its early days.
The download speed on Gamecax are one of the fastest. You do not have to pay anything to uncap them or wait pointlessly for hours betwin downloads.
Only here you can download the games and comics you like without “waiting for 10 seconds”, “completing a survey” or some other potentially malicious and annoying thing.
We make everything in our power to protect the website and our users. Gamecax uses one of the best security technologies and practises so no harm would come to you.
We use the fastest download services available
You can feel safe and secure browsing Gamecax
On Gamecax you are always anonymous. No registration is required for you to browse, download, comment, rate or anything else. We don’t need your personal information!
If you have any questions, advices or complaints, please feel free to write us an email at [email protected]