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Amity Park – Walkthrough

Amity Park – Walkthrough

Amity Park – Walkthrought ver


Amity Park is a dating / RPG / time management sim based in the world of Danny Phantom. The
pace of this game is straightforward. Pay attention to the clues in the dialog and they will let you
know what you must do next to progress.
Your Skills
The character icon on the top left of the screen helps you access Danny’s leveling stats. It will
display the character’s level, Experience Points (EXP), Health Points (HP), Strength (STR), and
Ecto-Energy (EP), as well as his current ghost abilities and Orgone levels, the ability to acquire new
abilities down the line and level up. As you level up, you choose which skill (HP, STR, or EP) you
can increase, but only one skill per level. Your current levels start out as such:
• HP: 300 (+30 for every level boost)
• STR: 30 (+10 for every level boost)
• EP: 150 (+30 for every level boost)
Your levels will increase after you reach the maximum amount of EXP for that level:
• Level 1 Max Level: 50
• Level 2 Max Level: 200
• Level 3 Max Level: 400
o Unlocks Invisibility and Ghost Ray powers
• Level 4 Max Level: 600
• Level 5 Max Level: 900
• Level 6 Max Level: 1200
Ghost Battles
Throughout the game, Danny will battle various ghosts. Performing these battles will increase in
difficulty, so leveling up with experince points (EXP) helps a lot.
The green bar is your hit points, while the blue bar is your Ecto-points, which are needed to use certain
ghost attacks and defenses against your enemy.
The bar in the middle is your various attacks and defenses: Punch, Block, Ecto-power (which is invisibility
for defense and Ecto-blast for attact), Orgone power up (When the circle is green) and the home is
The bar underneath your opponent is their health bar.
You can only gain money one way, and that is by working a part-time shift at Nasty Burger. Monday
through Friday you can work in the afternoon, and Saturday and Sunday you can work in the
morning and afternoon shift.
Time is broken down 2 ways: by days of the week () and time of day (). The time of day is broken
down to 3 periods: Morning, afternoon, and night, each represented by a dot below the fast-forward
button. The fast-forward button helps accelerate time, to the next time period.
Fenton Thermos
Danny gets to use the Fenton Thermos during Episode 4. After completing Wish You the Best
mission in Episode 4, Danny keeps Desiree in there as his own persona genie, gather information on
other ghosts, and to have sex with when needed. Later in Episode 7, he traps Ember McCain inside
as well, to hilarious results.
Danny receives a PDA from Tucker to text characters in the game after finishing Tucker’s PDA
mission in Episode 2. With it, you can text the following people, but only at certain times during the
• Tucker Foley (afternoon)
• Sam Mason (night)
• Paulina Sanchez (afternoon)
• Star Astray (morning)
Quest Log
The quest log gives you clues on where to go next for the mission that you are currently on.
The map lets you travel from place to place around Amity Park.
• Home:
o Living Room
o Kitchen
o Lab
o Danny’s Room
o Jazz’s Room
o Parent’s Room
o Bathroom
• Caper High School
o Main Hallway
▪ Mr. Lancer’s Class
▪ Nurse Kate’s Office
o Left Corridor
▪ Men’s room
▪ Women’s Room
o Right Corridor
▪ Girls Locker Room
• Nasty Burger
• Mall
o The Mystery Shop
o Abyss
• Sam’s House
• Park
• City Hall
• Stadium
You can access the cheat menu on Danny’s computer in his room. Go to the “Amity Park” icon on
the screen and you will see the cheat code box when you open it. The chat codes for Version 0.7.2
to 0.7.3 are:
• All animation scenes unlocked: Remember
o Only activated when completed the game
• Full Orgone: MoarPowah
o Only activated when you discover that you need orgone
• Raise HP: LifeUp
• $500: ShinyCoins
• All Available pics: CollAholic
o Only activated when completed the game
• All Desiree’s Outfits: GenieSecret
o Only activated when you capture Desiree in the Fenton Thermos
Characters You Meet
Babazita is Amity Park’s native fortune teller and gatherer of supernatural trinkets. She sells Danny
a magic lamp with Desiree inside.
Danny Fenton
Main character of the game. Son of Jack and Maddie Fenton, Amity Park’s resident ghost hunters.
Accidentally went into his parent’s ghost portal while it was on and obtained ghost powers. Now with
his friends, Sam Mason and Tucker Foley, he protects Amity Park from evil ghosts while trying to
survive high school while getting his fuck on.
Dash Baxter
Dash is Casper High School’s resident bully. He can’t stand Danny or his friends because of their
dweebish nature and loves his girlfriend, Paulina.
Jack Fenton
Jack is Danny and Jazz’s father and Maddie’s husband. An avid ghost hunter and sometimes
scientific idiot, Jack invents things to catch ghosts. He’s completely unaware that his son is Danny
Phantom, as well as his inability to satisfy his wife in bed.
Jazz Fenton
Jazz is Danny’s overbearing sister. She believes that her parent’s study of ghosts is ridiculous and
unscientific. She thinks her brother is an idiot and has no problem telling him so. When she is not
messing with Danny or being embarrassed by her parents, she chronically masturbates to porn.
Kwan is a member of the football team, one of Dash’s buddies, and casually seeing Star. His
hobbies are picking on Danny and screwing Star in the bathroom, pretty much in that order.
Mr. Lancer
Every High School must have a heavy for a teacher, and Mr. Lancer is the one for Amity Park.
Thinking that all his students are lazy and incompetent, he puts on a stand-offish demeanor, yet he
is terrified of ghosts in general.
Maddie Fenton
Maddie is Jazz and Danny’s insanely hot MILF, and Jack’s wife. A hardcore ghost hunter like her
husband, but with a lot more brains as well as beauty. Incredibly knowledgeable about ghosts, yet
blind to see her son is Danny Phantom. Slightly dissatisfied with her sex life with her husband, she
can be persuaded to obtain alternate means to get her orgasm.
Nurse Kate
Nurse Kate, the school’s buxom nurse and (Spoiler Alert!) Star’s mom. Has no problem taking care
of young men with hard problems.
Paulina Sanchez’s
Paulina is Casper High School’s Queen Bee. Always the popular socialite, she thinks Danny is a
loser, but his alter ego, Danny Phantom (or as she calls him, “Ghost-Boy”) is a total stud. While she
acts stuck up, there is a heart of gold inside… somewhere.
Sales Lady
Just like her name states, she’s the sale’s lady at Abyss, the trendy clothing store at the Mall, who is
willing to flirt with the customer to make a sale.
Sam Mason
Sam is Danny’s Goth Girl and sometimes-crush. Sarcastic and edgy, with just a touch of sass,
Sam’s got the hots for Danny in more ways than one yet feels scared to push their relationship as
the friend-zone.
Star Astray
Star is Paulina’s bitchy friend and Kwan’s girlfriend. You can find her fucking him in the bathroom,
picking on students with Paulina, and generally crushing on Danny Phantom, or “Inviso-Bill” as she
likes to refer to him as. Uncaring for anyone or anything, Star only looks out for herself and how to
make herself even more popular.
Tiffany Snow
Tiffany is an intrepid news report for Channel 4 news. She’ll tell you all the most recent ghost
sightings in Amity Park.
Tucker Foley
Tucker is Danny’s “Geeky and proud” best friend. Always up on anything technical, he helps Danny
in both the battlefield and as his personal wingman. A self-imposed “ladies’ man”, he has the
hardest time to score a date.
The Ghosts
Box Ghost / Mystery Shop Owner
The Mystery Shop Owner, who’s shop, The Mystery Shop, sometimes operates in selling stolen
goods. When agitated, he becomes the Box Ghost, spectral phantom of all things angular!
• HP: 260
• Attack: Punch, Box Drop
Desiree is a genie ghost that got trapped in a lamp for a thousand years until Danny and Tucker
accidentally release her. Vengeful and skeptical about men, she later becomes Danny’s slave.
• HP= 460
• Attacks: Ghost blast
Horny tentacle ghost. As hentai as they come.
• HP = 150
• Attack: Punch
Ember McCain
Ember is a rocker ghost who powers up from the crowd chanting her name. A vengeful spirit who
believes that unless she’s on top, no one will remember her, she later becomes Desiree’s reluctant
roommate and Danny’s sidepiece after he captures her.
• HP: 500
• Attack: Sonic Boom
Grizzly Ghost
A ghost bear that Vlad Masters controls to convince Maddie to fall for him.
• HP: 470
• Attack: Swipe
Johnny Thirteen
Johnny, along with his girlfriend Kitty, are punk rock ghosts that pose as human students at Casper
High School. Together, they have a powerful influence over same to embrace her rebellious side.
Johnny tries to seduce Sam with his edgy ways. When he is not doing that, he uses his ghostly
Shadow to strip girls naked.
Kitty, along with her boyfriend Johnny, are punk rock ghosts that pose as human students at Casper
High School. Together, they have a powerful influence over same to embrace her rebellious side.
Kitty gets pissed at Johnny’s flirting with Sam and takes it out on her by possessing her, turning her
into “Slutty Sam”.
Princess Doretha
Princess Doretha is a medieval princess ghost who desperately wants to go to the ball so she can
get married. When she meets Danny Phantom, she hopes that he will be her betrothed, but when
he turns her down, she turns into a fire breathing dragon.
• HP: 600
• Attack: Fire, Tail Swipe
Shadow is Johnny Thirteen’s ghost slave. He makes Shadow attack girls and strip them for fun.
• HP: 460
• Attack: Punch
Sir Delvo
Sir Delvo is a knight who is lost on a quest in search of his long-lost love. It just so happens, that his
long-lost love is his mother. Tries to convince Danny to pursue Maddie.
• HP: 400
• Attack: Sword Swing
Tall Goon
Tall Goon is one of Ember McCain’s band members that does her dirty work for her.
• HP: 440
• Attack: Guitar Smash
Episode Missions
Episode 1 – Rough Day?
Phantom Prolouge
Intro to the game and the characters. Do the following:
• After opening dialogue, go to the Kitchen.
• Run through the dialogue, go to school.
• After talking to Tucker, Sam, Paulina, and Baxter, go to Mr. Lancer’s Class on the right.
• After talking to Nurse Kate, go home to bed.
• Go to school the next day. Run through the cutscene, then complete Paulina Needs Help
• After completing Paulina Needs Help, head home.
Paulina Needs Help
Go to the Park to help Paulina. Do the following:
• Go to the Park in the afternoon. Make a choice on how you plan to save her from Ectopuss:
o “Save Her Immediately”
▪ Defeat Ectopuss with basic attacks and get Paulina’s Number and 46 EXP
o “Wait to see what happens”
▪ Ectopuss strips Paulina naked, then you battle Ectopuss, gain 50 EXP, and get Paulina’s
• Go back to Phantom Prologue mission.
Episode 2 – The Elaborate Plan
Danny, We Need to Talk
Sam finds out Danny’s secret. Do the following:
• Go to the Park at night and talk to Sam. Fight Ectopuss, again. Win the battle, gain 41 EXP.
In Hot Water
You feel the need to take a shower this afternoon. Do the following:
• Go to the house in the afternoon and go to the Bathroom. Run into Jazz, who wants to take a
• Go to her bedroom and take the key to the bathroom, which is in her nightstand.
• Make one of the following choices:
o “Barge in right away!”
▪ Find Jazz naked in the tub, after which she tells you to get out. Then Ectopuss attacks.
▪ Fight Ectopuss, gain 49 EXP.
o “Just take a peek first… for recon purposes…”
▪ Find Jazz naked in the tub, then Ectopuss attacks.
▪ Fight Ectopuss, gain 49 EXP.
o “Back off, I’m not ready yet.”
▪ Nothing happens. You must come back to see Jazz again.
Tucker’s PDA
Get Tucker’s PDA for him. Do the following:
• Go to the school hallway and access the right corridor. After you talk to Dash, you get assigned
the mission.
• Go to the left corridor and find Tucker. Find out that he left his PDA in the Girls Locker Room.
• Go back to the right corridor and run into Dash again. Choose the following:
o “Bargain with Dash”
▪ Dash says he will let you in if you get a pair of Jazz’s panties for him.
▪ Go to the house in the afternoon and go to the Bathroom. Run into Jazz, who wants to
take a bath. (Unlocks In Hot Water mission).
▪ Go to her bedroom and take the pair of panties that are lying on the bed, as well as the
key to the bathroom, which is in her nightstand.
▪ Give the panties to Dash and go inside the Girls Locker room.
▪ Catch Star Astray having shower sex with Kwan.
▪ Hear Jazz scream in the hallway and go to her rescue. Fight Ghost-Dash. Gain 49 EXP.
▪ Run through the dialogue between Danny, Dash, and Nurse Kate. (Unlocks the ability to
get a hand job from Kate during A Masterful Speech mission in Episode 3)
▪ Go back to see Tucker in the left corridor. In return for finding his new PDA, he gives
you his old one. Use it to put Paulina’s number in it.
o “Tell Dash to fuck off!”
▪ Get pounded by Dash, wake up in the Nurse’s office. Get a hand job from Nurse Kate.
▪ Hear Jazz scream in the hallway and go to her rescue. Fight Ghost-Dash. Gain 49 EXP.
▪ Go to the Girls Locker Room and find Tucker’s PDA.
▪ Go back to see Tucker in the left corridor. In return for finding his new PDA, he gives
you his old one. Use it to put Paulina’s number in it.
o “Ok, but I’ll be back!”
▪ Nothing happens. You must come back to see Dash again.
Episode 3 – A Shadow Over….
The episode opens as soon as you finish with Tucker’s PDA. Vlad visits Danny and his family at
home. As he shows Maddie his Phantom Thermos, Ectopuss is let out and attacks Maddie for
Orgone. From there you have 2 choices:
• “I have to stay out of this, but if she catches me in my ghost form, I’m busted!”
o Do nothing, and watch Maddie get tentacle raped by Ectopuss.
• “I need to do something! That thing isn’t going to have another victim on my watch!”
o Battle Ectopuss and gain 50 EXP.
Afterwards, roll though the cut scene and receive the following missions, beginning with A Masterful
A Helping Hand
Sam helps Danny get some Orgone. Do the following:
• Go to Sam’s house the following afternoon. Talk to Sam. From there you can make the
following choices:
o “Can I get your number Sam?”
▪ Sam gives you her number to put into your PDA.
o “Sam, I need to ask you a favor…”
▪ Tell Sam about how to get Orgone from sexual activity and convince her to masturbate in
from of Danny. She asks you where you got this information from:
• “Mom told me about it. She did some research on Orgone in college.”
o She asks, “Why her?” You reply:
▪ “There’s nobody I trust but you.”
• Sam trusts you, gets naked and begins to masturbate. At this point you
have a choice to either:
o “Pull out cock?”
▪ She freaks out that you whipped it out and kicks you out of the
o “Just Watch”
▪ She gets more comfortable and has a massive orgasm.
▪ “Come on Sam. If you don’t help me, I’ll never be able to fight off ghosts.”
• Sam gets turned on, gets naked and begins to masturbate. At this point
you have a choice to either:
o “Pull out cock?”
▪ She freaks out that you whipped it out and kicks you out of the
o “Just Watch”
▪ She gets more comfortable and has a massive orgasm.
▪ “Come on Sam, aren’t you looking forward to bragging to all of your goth
friends about how you seduced a real ghost?”
• Sam sort of trusts you, gets naked and begins to masturbate. At this
point you have a choice to either:
o “Pull out cock?”
▪ She freaks out that you whipped it out and kicks you out of the
o “Just Watch”
▪ She gets more comfortable and has a massive orgasm.
• “What, you think I’m lying? Thanks a lot Sam.”
o Danny tells her that he would ask her unless he really had to. She asks, “Then
why ask?” You reply:
▪ “We’re really good friends, and I wouldn’t want to abuse your trust.”
• Sam trusts you, gets naked and begins to masturbate. At this point you
have a choice to either:
o “Pull out cock?”
▪ She freaks out that you whipped it out and kicks you out of the
o “Just Watch”
▪ She gets more comfortable and has a massive orgasm.
▪ “It means I need your help Sam. Isn’t that what friends are for?”
• Sam feels pressured and uncomfortable, so she kicks you out. Danny
must come back the next afternoon to try again.
▪ “You’re just not my type.”
• Danny tells Sam that he likes girls with bigger tits, so she kicks you out.
Danny must come back the next afternoon to try again.
• “Ghost instinct, duh?”
o She asks, “Why her?” You reply:
▪ “There’s nobody I trust but you.”
• Sam trusts you, gets naked and begins to masturbate. At this point you
have a choice to either:
o “Pull out cock?”
▪ She freaks out that you whipped it out and kicks you out of the
o “Just Watch”
▪ She gets more comfortable and has a massive orgasm.
▪ “Come on Sam. If you don’t help me, I’ll never be able to fight off ghosts.”
• Sam gets turned on, gets naked and begins to masturbate. At this point
you have a choice to either:
o “Pull out cock?”
▪ She freaks out that you whipped it out and kicks you out of the
o “Just Watch”
▪ She gets more comfortable and has a massive orgasm.
▪ “Come on Sam, aren’t you looking forward to bragging to all of your goth
friends about how you seduced a real ghost?”
• Sam sort of trusts you, gets naked and begins to masturbate. At this
point you have a choice to either:
o “Pull out cock?”
▪ She freaks out that you whipped it out and kicks you out of the
o “Just Watch”
▪ She gets more comfortable and has a massive orgasm.
o “Sam, I need you to masturbate in front of me!”
▪ Tell Sam about how to get Orgone from sexual activity and convince her to masturbate in
from of Danny. She asks you where you got this information from:
• “Mom told me about it. She did some research on Orgone in college.”
o She asks, “Why her?” You reply:
▪ “There’s nobody I trust but you.”
• Sam trusts you, gets naked and begins to masturbate. At this point you
have a choice to either:
o “Pull out cock?”
▪ She freaks out that you whipped it out and kicks you out of the
o “Just Watch”
▪ She gets more comfortable and has a massive orgasm.
▪ “Come on Sam. If you don’t help me, I’ll never be able to fight off ghosts.”
• Sam gets turned on, gets naked and begins to masturbate. At this point
you have a choice to either:
o “Pull out cock?”
▪ She freaks out that you whipped it out and kicks you out of the
o “Just Watch”
▪ She gets more comfortable and has a massive orgasm.
▪ “Come on Sam, aren’t you looking forward to bragging to all of your goth
friends about how you seduced a real ghost?”
• Sam sort of trusts you, gets naked and begins to masturbate. At this
point you have a choice to either:
o “Pull out cock?”
▪ She freaks out that you whipped it out and kicks you out of the
o “Just Watch”
▪ She gets more comfortable and has a massive orgasm.
• “What, you think I’m lying? Thanks a lot Sam.”
o Danny tells her that he would ask her unless he really had to. She asks, “Then
why ask?” You reply:
▪ “We’re really good friends, and I wouldn’t want to abuse your trust.”
• Sam trusts you, gets naked and begins to masturbate. At this point you
have a choice to either:
o “Pull out cock?”
▪ She freaks out that you whipped it out and kicks you out of the
o “Just Watch”
▪ She gets more comfortable and has a massive orgasm.
▪ “It means I need your help Sam. Isn’t that what friends are for?”
• Sam feels pressured and uncomfortable, so she kicks you out. Danny
must come back the next afternoon to try again.
▪ “You’re just not my type.”
• Danny tells Sam that he likes girls with bigger tits, so she kicks you out.
Danny must come back the next afternoon to try again.
• “Ghost instinct, duh?”
o She asks, “Why her?” You reply:
▪ “There’s nobody I trust but you.”
• Sam trusts you, gets naked and begins to masturbate. At this point you
have a choice to either:
o “Pull out cock?”
▪ She freaks out that you whipped it out and kicks you out of the
o “Just Watch”
▪ She gets more comfortable and has a massive orgasm.
▪ “Come on Sam. If you don’t help me, I’ll never be able to fight off ghosts.”
• Sam gets turned on, gets naked and begins to masturbate. At this point
you have a choice to either:
o “Pull out cock?”
▪ She freaks out that you whipped it out and kicks you out of the
o “Just Watch”
▪ She gets more comfortable and has a massive orgasm.
▪ “Come on Sam, aren’t you looking forward to bragging to all of your goth
friends about how you seduced a real ghost?”
• Sam sort of trusts you, gets naked and begins to masturbate. At this
point you have a choice to either:
o “Pull out cock?”
▪ She freaks out that you whipped it out and kicks you out of the
o “Just Watch”
▪ She gets more comfortable and has a massive orgasm.
o “Exit conversation”
▪ Do nothing.
The Stolen Box
Danny helps Nurse Kate find a missing box of medicine. Do the following:
• Go to the Nurse’s office (Double doors in the center hallway of the school) and notice that Kate
seems sad. From here you have a choice:
o “No really, I would like to help you.”
▪ You find out that someone stole a box of meds from her office. You tell her that you’ll
track them down.
▪ Go to the Mystery Shop at the Mall. Pick up the box on the shelf that says, “Property of
Casper High.” The Shop Owner asks you if you are willing to buy it for $100.
• “Yeah, I’d like to buy this box please.”
o Purchase The Stolen Box for the right amount of money. Return the box to
Nurse Kate.
• “Why is it labeled ‘Property of Casper High?’”
o He says it’s nothing to worry about, but Danny doesn’t believe him.
▪ “Well did you steal it?”
• He asks Danny if he has any proof…
o “Uhm, no, I don’t really…”
▪ Brings you back to the main menu.
o “Yes, I have some proof right here…”
▪ He calls Danny on his bluff and raises the price of the box to
▪ “Fine, I’ll pretend I never asked”
• Brings you back to the main menu.
• “What’s in it?”
o He tells you it’s a mystery, hence why they call it a “Mystery Box”. Brings you
back to the main menu.
• “Never mind.”
o Do nothing and must come back later.
▪ After giving The Stolen Box back to Nurse Kate, she gives Danny a blow job.
o “In that case, I’ll leave you alone.”
▪ Do nothing and must come back again to complete the mission.
A Masterful Speech
Sam finds out Danny’s secret. Do the following:
• Go to school after dealing with the events in the beginning of the episode.
• Talk to Sam, Kitty, and Johnny Thirteen. (Unlocks Peeping Phan-Tom mission). Go to class.
• After class, you can visit Nurse Kate in the nurse’s office (double doors in the main hallway) or
head to the Mall for the speech.
• At the Mall, Danny and Sam run into Star, who picks on them tirelessly. In order to cheer Sam
up, choose the following:
o “It’s pretty obvious Star’s is just jealous how much smarter you are than her.”
▪ You succeed in cheering Sam up, and the conversation rolls into Vlad’s
announcement about running for mayor. During that time, Star’s clothes
come off unexpectantly, revealed to be done by Shadow. Vlad tries to
capture Shadow, but his Phantom Thermos stops working. Shadow goes
after Sam, prompting Danny Phantom to step into action.
▪ Kick Shadow’s but, but barely (no EXP given). Sam gets worried about how
Danny will survive the next battle, but Danny tells her he has an idea, but
needs her help. (Unlocks A Helping Hand mission)
o “It’s hard to understand why you are not popular at all, Sam.”
▪ You fail in cheering Sam up, and the conversation rolls into Vlad’s
announcement about running for mayor. During that time, Star’s clothes
come off unexpectantly, revealed to be done by Shadow. Vlad tries to
capture Shadow, but his Phantom Thermos stops working. Shadow goes
after Sam, prompting Danny Phantom to step into action.
▪ Kick Shadow’s but, but barely (no EXP given). Sam gets worried about how
Danny will survive the next battle, but Danny tells her he has an idea, but
needs her help. (Unlocks A Helping Hand mission)
o “Don’t worry about her.”
▪ You sort of cheer Sam up, and the conversation rolls into Vlad’s announcement about
running for mayor. During that time, Star’s clothes come off unexpectantly, revealed to
be done by Shadow. Vlad tries to capture Shadow, but his Phantom Thermos stops
working. Shadow goes after Sam, prompting Danny Phantom to step into action.
▪ Kick Shadow’s but, but barely (no EXP given). Sam gets worried about how Danny will
survive the next battle, but Danny tells her he has an idea, but needs her help. (Unlocks
A Helping Hand mission)
A Friend in Need
Sam gets picked on by Kitty after she catches Johnny flirting with Sam. Do the following:
• Go to the school one day after Helping Hand mission. After talking to Tucker and Sa in the hall,
talk to Sam in the main hallway. Watch Sam get chewed out by Kitty.
• Go see Sam at the school hallway a few days later, dressed like a slut. Mr. Lancer sends her
home for breaking the dress code.
• Go see Sam in the afternoon at her house. Find out for her punishment, her parents are making
her join the cheerleading squad. Go to Abyss at the Mall and pick up her outfit.
• Speak to the Sales Lady and make one of the following choices:
o “Ask to pick up the cheerleader outfit for Sam.”
▪ She gives you the Cheerleader Outfit and Cheerleader Skirt, already paid for.
o Shop at Abyss.
▪ Nothing to shop for currently.
o “Nothing, leave.”
▪ Leaves the store.
• Go see Sam at home at give her the outfit. Then go to school the next day.
• After talking to Tucker and Sam in the school hallway, go to the Stadium to cheer Sam on.
• When you get there in the afternoon, you find Sam acting slutty again in front of Paulina and
Star, when suddenly, they become naked as Shadow attacks. Shadow is revealed to be a part of
Johnny Thirteen, and “Slutty Sam” is Sam possessed by Kitty. Catching her boyfriend in the act,
she dumps Johnny Thirteen, prompting Johnny to attack Sam.
• Battle Shadow. Using an Orgone boost (Gained by having sexual relations with both Sam and
Nurse Kate), it doubles your attack strength, and gains 109 EXP. In the end, Tucker finds out
Danny is Danny Phantom.
Episode 4 – My One True Desiree
When you wake up the following morning, you are prompted to go to the kitchen for breakfast. This
begins the Peeping Phan-Tom mission.
Wish You the Best!
Get wrongfully accused of stripping Pauline and Star. Do the following:
• Go to School and talk to Tucker in the Hallway. Afterward, get busted my Mr. Lancer for being
late to class. Since he believes that the two of you were responsible for stripping Paulina and
Star in the last episode, he assigns them both to community service.
• Go to the Stadium on Friday Afternoon. Talk with Tucker about the abuse of ghost powers while
setting up for the fair. After the two of you are done, Danny and Tucker speak with Babazita,
who tells Danny of a magic lamp that she is willing to sell him.
• Go to her stand to buy the Lamp ($5), and plan to mess with Tucker about it.
• Go to the Park and talk to Tucker. Together, they drop the lamp, releasing Desiree, who fulfills
Tucker’s wish to become “Tucker Phantom”.
• Check on Tucker at the School the next school day. Talk to him in the left corridor and find out
that he’s been letting his ghost powers get the best of him. Fight “Tucker Phantom”. Gain 48
• Tucker asks Desiree to make him a full ghost, which he battles you again, and Danny gets his
ass handed to him. Go to bed.
• Wake up the next morning and realize that you need more Orgone from Kate. Visit the nurse’s
office, where Danny convinces her to give him a tit job.
• With plenty of Orgone, go to the Mall in the afternoon. Battle Tucker Phantom once again. Win
the battle and gain 68 EXP.
• Boss battle Desiree. When you beat her, you gain 135 EXP.
• Go to bed. Danny releases Desiree on the condition that she teaches him how to use his ghost
powers, and to be his sex slave. For this, she gratefully sucks his dick.
Cylindrical Container
Help Maddie build the Fenton Thermos. Do the following:
• Go to the basement one morning and talk to Maddie about the thermos.
• You find out that she needs parts for it to make it work. Head to the Mystery Shop at the
Mall to see if you can get the parts.
• Speak to the Mystery Shop Owner, who says that he can get you the parts, but from a far of
location. To do so, he’ll do it for $200. You decide:
o “Sure, I don’t think I can get it otherwise.”
▪ After you earn the money, pay the Mystery Shop Owner and check up with him in 2
days to see if it came in.
o “Can’t you just give me your friend’s number in Toronto?”
▪ He tells Danny that his friend doesn’t like …working with Americans, and totally not
because he’s in the Ghost Zone at all. Leads you back to the main menu.
o “No thanks, I don’t want to buy anything right now.”
▪ Do nothing and come back later.
• Pick up the parts and find out that the Mystery Shop Owner is the Box Ghost. Fight him for the
box and get 49 EXP and the Box-O-Parts.
• Give the Box to Maddie in the basement. After she builds it, she turns it on and it destroys the
top of her jumpsuit, showing off her big tits. Embarrassed, she runs away.
Peeping Phan-Tom
Catch Jazz masturbating. Do the following:
• Go into the Kitchen and talk to Jazz, who is wondering what you have been up to at night lately.
Danny turns the discussion over to her lack of friends, to which she states that Dash is usually
nice to her. Danny informs her that Dash is a perv who also asked for her panties. She asks if
you gave them to him:
o “Yes, I did.”
▪ You tell that you did, which pervs her out. As she opens her laptop, Danny finds out that
she has been watching porn. This gives him the idea to peep on her at night to see what
she is watching.
o “No, of course not!”
▪ You tell that you didn’t, and she starts to see Dash in a new light. As she opens her
laptop, Danny finds out that she has been watching porn. This gives him the idea to
peep on her at night to see what she is watching.
• Wait unit night and go to Jazz’s room to peep on her. Run through the cut scene and watch
Jazz masturbate while watching porn.
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Introduce Danny Phantom to Star. Do the following:
• Go to school one morning and talk to Sam in the main hallway. During the conversation, Star
gives Danny her number to give to Ghost-boy. Sam gets jealous and storms off. Put Star’s
number in Danny’s PDA.
• Talk to Star on the PDA and tell her that you will meet her in the girl’s bathroom after school. Go
to the girl’s bathroom in the afternoon.
• Talk to Star, who wants Danny to put a huge dildo in Sam’s locker to embarrass her. Go to
Sam’s locker in the morning.
• At this point you have an ethical dilemma to make. Either you prank your best friend to get laid
or trick Star because she’s a bitch:
o “Plant the sex toy in Sam’s locker.”
▪ You open Sam’s locker and have second thoughts:
• “Yes, dammit! I’m horny! Star has a nice treat for us!”
o Place the dildo, text Star, and feel guilty about it. Come back to the hallway in
the afternoon.
o Talk to Sam. Sam gets stopped by Mr. Lancer and Star for hiding a potential
weapon in her locker. Mr. Lancer finds the dildo.
o Star texts Danny back to meet her in the girl’s room. Go there and talk to Star.
Star gives Danny a bj and tells him that she’ll blow him if he texts her in the
morning. Danny realizes that he got no Orgone from this and realizes that he
should stay away from Sam for a while.
• No, Sam doesn’t deserve this. Let’s turn this around on Star.”
o Danny lets his coincidence be his guide and turns the prank around. He text’s
Star to tell her it’s a go. Wait until the afternoon.
o Sam gets stopped by Mr. Lancer and Star for hiding a potential weapon in her
locker. Mr. Lancer searches her locker and finds nothing. Sam then accuses
Star of making a false report. While Star tries to defend herself, Danny goes
invisible and pants Star in the hallway. Embarrassed, she heads out to Mr.
Lancer’s office.
o Sam gets impressed that Danny bails her out and tells him to text her sometime
on Spookchat.
o Go home that night and get a lewd pic from Sam on Danny’s PDA.
o “Turn the prank around on Star.”
▪ Danny lets his coincidence be his guide and turns the prank around. He text’s Star to tell
her it’s a go. Wait until the afternoon.
▪ Sam gets stopped by Mr. Lancer and Star for hiding a potential weapon in her locker.
Mr. Lancer searches her locker and finds nothing. Sam then accuses Star of making a
false report. While Star tries to defend herself, Danny goes invisible and pants Star in
the hallway. Embarrassed, she heads out to Mr. Lancer’s office.
▪ Sam gets impressed that Danny bails her out and tells him to text her sometime on
▪ Go home that night and get a lewd pic from Sam on Danny’s PDA.
Episode 5 – Inviso-Bill: Homecoming
When you wake up the following morning and wonder how things are affecting the others. You start
off with A Stroke After Midnight mission.
A Stroke After Midnight
Find out about the school dance and find a date to go. Do the following:
• Go to school to see Sam and Tucker. Realize that you should take Sam to the dance, but you
need a suit in order to go.
• Go to Abyss at the Mall. While trying on a suit, hear screams from Paulina and Star, as the
interact with Princess Doretha, the princess Ghost, who just wants to go to the ball. After
Princess Doretha gets spurned by Danny to be her date, she turns into a dragon. Battle her and
gain 135 EXP.
• Afterwards, Paulina and Star try to convince Danny that one of them should be his date to the
dance. He zips back to Abyss to buy the suit. From there, you must choose:
o Take Paulina
▪ Talk to the Sales Lady at Abyss and buy the Casper Chill Formal Suit for
▪ Text Paulina in the afternoon. After you make a date with her to take her to a
movie, go to the Mall the following afternoon.
▪ After having a heart to heart talk with Paulina and suffering through the
movie, Danny and Paulina make out on a park bench. After getting
interrupted by Kwan, Danny askes her out to the formal, which she accepts.
▪ When Saturday comes, meet her at the school. After a few more heart to
heart talks, getting harassed by Mr. Lancer, Star, Tucker, Sam, and Dash,
the two of them dance and have a good time. The night still being young,
she takes Danny to her house to have sex with him.
o Take Sam
▪ Talk to the Sales Lady at Abyss and buy the Casper Chill Formal Suit for
▪ Talk to Sam at her house the next afternoon. She agrees and tell you to pick
her up on Saturday.
▪ When Saturday comes, meet her at the school. After a few more heart to
heart talks, getting harassed by Mr. Lancer, Star, Tucker, Sam, and Dash,
the two of them dance and have a good time. The night still being young,
she takes Danny to her house to have sex with him.
o Take Star
▪ Talk to the Sales Lady at Abyss and buy the Casper Chill Formal Suit for
▪ Text Star in the morning. After you make a date with her to help pick out a
dress, go to the Mall the following afternoon.
▪ After watching Star change into several outfits, she tells you that she’ll see
you at the dance.
▪ When Saturday comes, meet her at the school. After finding out how shallow
she is, getting harassed by Mr. Lancer, finding out that Nurse Kate is her
mom, Paulina, Tucker, and Sam, the two of them sneak off to the bathroom
to have sex. Afterwards, she texts Danny a naked selfie of her.
o Take Desiree
▪ Talk to the Sales Lady at Abyss and buy the Casper Chill Formal Suit for $300
▪ Go home and talk to Desiree. After you make a date with her to take her to the Mall, go
to the Mall the following afternoon.
▪ After treating her with some kindness and some ice cream, she warms up to you a little
more. She agrees to go out fit you to the formal. This also unlocks the ability to let you
change her outfits back in Danny’s room. Go to Abyss and buy her a new dress for the
formal, either a red or blue one. Either one will cost you $200. (No matter which one
you pick, she’ll hate it.)
▪ When Saturday comes, get ready for the dance. After finding out how shallow she is,
getting harassed by Mr. Lancer, Paulina, Tucker, and Sam, the two of them to his room
and have sex.
A Casual Night In
Maddie can’t seem to find the TV remote. Do the following:
• Go see Maddie one evening at home in the Living room. Find out that she can’t find the tv
remote. Go to the bathroom and pick up the remote.
• Run into Jazz in the bathroom and find out that she took the batteries out of it for… something.
(Use your imagination kid.) Follow her to her room where she gives you new batteries.
• Go back downstairs and give the remote to Maddie. Come back in the afternoon.
• You find out that she has some more work to do in the lab, as Danny resolves to see her that
• Go to the hallway at night and hear his parents having sex. As he goes into their room and
catches them in the act you can choose to:
o “Take a closer look…”
▪ Accidentally possess Jack and fuck Maddie. After sex is over, Danny leaves as Jack
forgets that he had sex with Maddie in the first place. Maddie gets mad a Jack and
leaves. As Danny gets out of there, he runs into Maddie in the hallway and she invites
him to watch a movie with her.
▪ Go to the living room. After watching a romantic movie, the two of them begin to talk
about Danny’s tastes in women. From here you need to make a choice:
• “Honestly, I’ve always liked Paulina”
o She tries to understand Danny’s choice, but she realizes that he has no chance
with the girl. She asks him for a hug before she is off to take a shower, still filled
with Jack’s cum. Danny can:
▪ “Honestly, I prefer not to…”
▪ You tell her you’re not a hugger but promise to
hug her more often later. Happy, she goes off to
the shower.
▪ Go to the bathroom and watch her naked as she
takes a shower.
▪ “Bring it in, Mom.”
▪ You give her a hug with a promise of more later. Happy, she goes off to
the shower.
▪ Go to the bathroom and watch her naked as she takes a shower.
• “Sam’s definitely an interesting choice…”
o She that Danny and Sam make a cute couple. She asks him for a hug before
she is off to take a shower, still filled with Jack’s cum. Danny can:
▪ “Honestly, I prefer not to…”
▪ You tell her you’re not a hugger but promise to
hug her more often later. Happy, she goes off to
the shower.
▪ Go to the bathroom and watch her naked as she
takes a shower.
▪ “Bring it in, Mom.”
▪ You give her a hug with a promise of more later.
Happy, she goes off to the shower.
▪ Go to the bathroom and watch her naked as she
takes a shower.
• “I prefer someone like you Mom…”
o She’s a little impressed that he’s into older women. She asks him for a hug
before she is off to take a shower, still filled with Jack’s cum. Danny can:
▪ “Honestly, I prefer not to…”
▪ You tell her you’re not a hugger but promise to
hug her more often later. Happy, she goes off to
the shower.
▪ Go to the bathroom and watch her naked as she
takes a shower.
▪ “Bring it in, Mom.”
▪ You give her a hug with a promise of more later. Happy, she goes off to
the shower.
▪ Go to the bathroom and watch her naked as she takes a shower.
o Observe from a distance
▪ Watch Jack and Maddie have sex, to the point where he passes out before she can
orgasm. As Danny gets out of there, he runs into Maddie in the hallway and she invites
him to watch a movie with her.
▪ Go to the living room. After watching a romantic movie, the two of them begin to talk
about Danny’s tastes in women. From here you need to make a choice:
• “Honestly, I’ve always liked Paulina”
o She tries to understand Danny’s choice, but she realizes that he has no chance
with the girl. She asks him for a hug before she is off to take a shower, still filled
with Jack’s cum. Danny can:
▪ “Honestly, I prefer not to…”
▪ You tell her you’re not a hugger but promise to
hug her more often later. Happy, she goes off to
the shower.
▪ Go to the bathroom and watch her naked as she
takes a shower.
▪ “Bring it in, Mom.”
▪ You give her a hug with a promise of more later. Happy, she goes off to
the shower.
▪ Go to the bathroom and watch her naked as she takes a shower.
• “Sam’s definitely an interesting choice…”
o She that Danny and Sam make a cute couple. She asks him for a hug before
she is off to take a shower, still filled with Jack’s cum. Danny can:
▪ “Honestly, I prefer not to…”
▪ You tell her you’re not a hugger but promise to
hug her more often later. Happy, she goes off to
the shower.
▪ Go to the bathroom and watch her naked as she
takes a shower.
▪ “Bring it in, Mom.”
▪ You give her a hug with a promise of more later.
Happy, she goes off to the shower.
▪ Go to the bathroom and watch her naked as she
takes a shower.
• “I prefer someone like you Mom…”
o She’s a little impressed that he’s into older women. She asks him for a hug
before she is off to take a shower, still filled with Jack’s cum. Danny can:
▪ “Honestly, I prefer not to…”
▪ You tell her you’re not a hugger but promise to hug her more often later.
Happy, she goes off to the shower.
▪ Go to the bathroom and watch her naked as she takes a shower.
▪ “Bring it in, Mom.”
▪ You give her a hug with a promise of more later. Happy, she goes off to
the shower.
▪ Go to the bathroom and watch her naked as she takes a shower.
Episode 6 – The Great Outdoors
After finding out that Vlad has moved in, you wake up the following morning.
A Stroke After Midnight
Maddie has won a trip for two to a science seminar. Guess who she’s taking. Do the following:
• Go downstairs to the kitchen and get the news from Maddie. Although Danny is skeptic, he
gets guilted into going for a “Mother – Son bonding trip”.
• Wait until the afternoon, then go to Danny’s room. Find out that Maddie is excited that
Danny wants to go with her and asks for a hug:
o “Bring it in Mom”
▪ Gets a hug and gets turned on.
o “No thank you, actually”
▪ Slightly disappointed, Maddie leaves as Danny catches a good look at her nice ass.
• Go to school the next day and tell Tucker and Sam about the trip. After they tlk you into it, wait
until Saturday for the trip.
• Wake up on Saturday and head downstairs. Danny and Maddie leave for the trip, but Danny has
an odd feeling about it all. All the sudden, the pilot of the plane ditches, leaving Maddie and
Danny to head towards the cockpit.
• Grab the parachutes in the cockpit. The two of them jump out and land in the woods in
Colorado. Trying to get their bearings, they must decide what to do:
o “Point to the strange looking tree”
▪ Look at the tree in the middle and notice a sword hanging out of it. As Danny pulls it out
a ghost of a knight appears. Thinking it’s an evil ghost, Maddie goes to attack it, only to
be knocked down. Going ghost, fight off the knight. Gain 46 EXP.
▪ After defeating the ghost, he introduces himself as Sir Delvo, who is on a quest to find
his long-lost love, Teresa. The problem is, he doesn’t realize that he’s been dead for
over a century. Danny convinces Maddie to help Sir Delvo finish his quest. From here,
choose where you are going to go:
• To the left – Blocked
• Straight ahead – their suit case, and the cave Sir Delvo was looking for.
• To the right – fresh water
▪ Enter the cave. There you will find the remains of Princess Teresa. Maddie sees a
purple flower that the skeleton is holding and realizes it must have ectoplasmic
properties. As she goes to investigate it, she begins to feel very hot. She sends Danny
to get her some water.
▪ Go back to the man screen and take the path to the right. Get some water and head
back to the cave.
▪ When you get to the cave, you find Maddie naked and masturbating. Embarrassed,
leave the cave for the main screen.
▪ Speak to Sir Delvo and tell him that Princess Teresa has been dead for a long time. Go
back to the cave and gather the remains of the princess. Take them to Sir Delvo. Click
the tree again.
▪ Thankful, Sir Delvo bids you farewell, and casually reveals that Princess Teresa is his
mother, as well as his lover. A little weirded out, yet slightly curious, Maddie and Danny
head back to the cave for the night. Danny goes to the river for some water and runs
into Sir Delvo again, who get the vibe that Danny wants to have sex with Maddie. He
convinces him to take some magic bread to get her in the mood to have sex. Wit hit he
goes back to the cave.
▪ With this knowledge, Danny must decide to give Maddie the bread:
• “Yes”
o Feeling lucky, he decides to give her the bread. Maddie eats it, and gets very
horny, making advances on Danny. She begs Danny to give it to her and then
gives him a blow job. After which, Danny makes a choice to either have her
swallow it or cum all over her.
o They wake up the next morning and try to find their way out. Click on the left
path (now unblocked) and arrive at the villa of Vlad masters.
o After chatting with Vlad, Maddie goes to make a phone call. As Danny chats with
Vlad, Vlad kind of lays it on thick how he wants to bang Maddie. Danny must tell
▪ “She’s a little too ‘tired’ to talk”
• Not understanding Danny’s meaning, Vlad invites you to stay the night
and have a meal, which Maddie accepts. In the meantime, Danny
checks out the house.
• After checking all the doors, go back to the living room and talk to
Maddie. Maddie and Danny go for a walk, where they discuss a few
o “Mention cave incidents” – She doesn’t want to talk about them there.
May when you get home.
o “Concern about the family.” – Everything is fine at home.
o “Problems with Vlad?” – Vlad is Vlad.
o “Nothing, I’m good Mom.” – end conversation
• Head back into the house and have dinner, where Maddie gets drunk.
Vlad convinces Maddie to lie in the study, but Danny doesn’t trust Vlad.
Danny decides to either take control or let it be:
o “No, she’s going to lie down now!”
▪ Danny convinces Maddie to lie
down in bed. While they are
there, they talk about their
actions in the cave. Maddie
seems conflicted, but Danny’s
ok with it. Letting her rest, he
goes to his room.
▪ Later that night, Maddie
sneaks into his room and
wakes him up to talk to him
some more. After a while, the
make out and have sex.
▪ After they are finished, Grizzly
Ghost breaks into the house.
Danny fights him off while
Maddie looks for some gear.
Gain 69 EXP.
o “Uhm… I guess it’s not too bad an idea…”
▪ As he spies on them, Vlad takes advantage of a drunk Maddie
and convinces her to go ghost hunting in the woods, stating the
best way to catch a ghost for her is to do it naked. They run into
Grizzly Ghost, at which time, Danny goes ghost to battle the bear.
Gain 68 EXP.
▪ After defeating the bear, Maddie and Danny grab a boat from the
dock and make it home safe.
▪ “” Vlad, relax. You’re being a little on the nose there…”
• Vlad invites you to stay the night and have a meal, which Maddie accepts. In
the meantime, Danny checks out the house.
• After checking all the doors, go back to the living room and talk to Maddie.
Maddie and Danny go for a walk, where they discuss a few things:
o “Concern about the family.” – Everything is fine at home.
o “Problems with Vlad?” – Vlad is Vlad.
o “Nothing, I’m good Mom.” – end conversation
• Head back into the house and have dinner, where Maddie gets drunk. Vlad
convinces Maddie to lie in the study, but Danny doesn’t trust Vlad. As he
spies on them, Vlad takes advantage of a drunk Maddie and convinces her to
go ghost hunting in the woods, stating the best way to catch a ghost for her is
to do it naked. They run into Grizzly Ghost, at which time, Danny goes ghost
to battle the bear. Gain 68 EXP.
• After defeating the bear, Maddie and Danny grab a boat from the dock and
make it home safe. (Game unexpectedly stops here and does not go to
Episode 7.)
▪ Yeah, I guess so.’
• Vlad invites you to stay the night and have a meal, which Maddie
accepts. In the meantime, Danny checks out the house.
• After checking all the doors, go back to the living room and talk to
Maddie. Maddie and Danny go for a walk, where they discuss a few
o “Concern about the family.” – Everything is fine at home.
o “Problems with Vlad?” – Vlad is Vlad.
o “Nothing, I’m good Mom.” – end conversation
• Head back into the house and have dinner, where Maddie gets drunk.
Vlad convinces Maddie to lie in the study, but Danny doesn’t trust Vlad.
As he spies on them, Vlad takes advantage of a drunk Maddie and
convinces her to go ghost hunting in the woods, stating the best way to
catch a ghost for her is to do it naked. They run into Grizzly Ghost, at
which time, Danny goes ghost to battle the bear. Gain 68 EXP.
• After defeating the bear, Maddie and Danny grab a boat from the dock
and make it home safe. (Game unexpectedly stops here and does not
go to Episode 7.)
• “No”
o Feeling guilty, he decides not to give her the bread. Maddie opens to him that he
can tell her anything. With that, they go to sleep.
o They wake up the next morning and try to find their way out. Click on the left
path (now unblocked) and arrive at the villa of Vlad masters.
o After chatting with Vlad, Maddie goes to make a phone call. As Danny chats with
Vlad, Vlad kind of lays it on thick how he wants to bang Maddie. Danny must tell
▪ “” Vlad, relax. You’re being a little on the nose there…”
• Vlad invites you to stay the night and have a meal, which Maddie
accepts. In the meantime, Danny checks out the house.
• After checking all the doors, go back to the living room and talk to
Maddie. Maddie and Danny go for a walk, where they discuss a few
o “Concern about the family.” – Everything is fine at home.
o “Problems with Vlad?” – Vlad is Vlad.
o “Nothing, I’m good Mom.” – end conversation
• Head back into the house and have dinner, where Maddie gets drunk.
Vlad convinces Maddie to lie in the study, but Danny doesn’t trust Vlad.
As he spies on them, Vlad takes advantage of a drunk Maddie and
convinces her to go ghost hunting in the woods, stating the best way to
catch a ghost for her is to do it naked. They run into Grizzly Ghost, at
which time, Danny goes ghost to battle the bear. Gain 68 EXP.
• After defeating the bear, Maddie and Danny grab a boat from the dock
and make it home safe. (Game unexpectedly stops here and does not
go to Episode 7.)
▪ Yeah, I guess so.’
• Vlad invites you to stay the night and have a meal, which Maddie
accepts. In the meantime, Danny checks out the house.
• After checking all the doors, go back to the living room and talk to
Maddie. Maddie and Danny go for a walk, where they discuss a few
o “Concern about the family.” – Everything is fine at home.
o “Problems with Vlad?” – Vlad is Vlad.
o “Nothing, I’m good Mom.” – end conversation
• Head back into the house and have dinner, where Maddie gets drunk.
Vlad convinces Maddie to lie in the study, but Danny doesn’t trust Vlad.
As he spies on them, Vlad takes advantage of a drunk Maddie and
convinces her to go ghost hunting in the woods, stating the best way to
catch a ghost for her is to do it naked. They run into Grizzly Ghost, at
which time, Danny goes ghost to battle the bear. Gain 68 EXP.
• After defeating the bear, Maddie and Danny grab a boat from the dock
and make it home safe. (Game unexpectedly stops here and does not
go to Episode 7.)
o “Stop and talk for a moment.”
▪ Stop and have a conversation:
• “See Any Landmarks when we landed?” – None that she noticed
• “Ask how Maddie’s doing” – She’s fine, but just wants to head out of the woods.
• “Try to call Dad” – No cell signal.
• “Nothing, I’m good.” – Flows into the same choices as “Just keep moving” below.
▪ The main goal is to notice the tree with the sword sticking out of it on the main page.
Click on the tree to advance from here.
o “Just keep moving”
▪ From her, you can take 3 different paths:
• To the left – Blocked
• Straight ahead – their suit case
• To the right – fresh water
▪ The main goal is to notice the tree with the sword sticking out of it on the main page.
Click on the tree to advance from here.
The Secret Gift
(Only unlocks if you choose to have Danny go after Maddie) Make Maddie feel better about
having a relationship with Danny. Guess who she’s taking. Do the following:
• Go to your room and have one more conversation with Maddie, who is still afraid of getting
caught. Danny decides to get a gift for her to show her his appreciation.
• Go to Abyss the next day and buy and expensive clothing for $150. Give it to Maddie.
• She appreciates the gift but would rather have some “alone time” with Danny. Wait until
• On Saturday, go down to the living room. There Danny will find Jack trying to convince Jazz
to go on a weekend with him. After Jack and Jazz leave, Danny think he has a chance, but
Maddie tells him that she has chores to run. Wait until evening, then go to your room.
• Maddie comes in wearing the lingerie that Danny bought for her. They then have cowgirl sex
on his bed. After he orgasms, she realized that he’s still hard, so then they do it doggystyle.
After they wake up the next morning, they talk about anal.
Episode 7 – A Nightmare Called Ember
The Waiting Game
Find out about a new pop sensation. Do the following:
• Wait 3 days and then go to the kitchen. Danny finds Jazz listening to a new artist on the radio,
A Nightmare Called Ember
Ember-sensation has swept all over town. Do the following:
• Go to school and talk to Tucker and Sam. They admit that Ember McCain just popped out of the
Blue. Later in class, Paulina and Jazz admit that a new song of Ember’s just hit the net, so
everyone leaves class to hear it. Sam hears the new song and gets mesmerized by it,
convincing Danny to take her home. Outside of school, the song is making Paulina and Star
make out in the parking lot. Sam gets turned on even more and takes Danny back to her house.
• Once Sam gets back to her house, her head clears, and she comes back to reality. Danny then
leaves her to check up on Jazz. Go back to the kitchen.
• Once you get there, you find Jazz listening to the new song. She gets turned on by Danny but
makes a bee line for her room to masturbate instead. Danny goes to check up on her. Danny
watches her for a while, then heads to his room.
• Go to sleep. Wake up the next day and find Maddie and Jazz dressed up like Ember groupies in
the kitchen. Wierded out, head to the school.
• Danny finds out that Ember-mania has swept the school, to include Ember performing live at the
school as well. Causing a disruption, Danny goes ghost and fights Ember. After getting his ass
kicked, Sam gets him offstage and takes him back to her place.
• Sam offers to give him some Orgone to defeat Ember, but with his recent wounds, Danny’s not
in the mood. Head back to Danny’s room. Danny then makes a choice who to get orgone from:
o Sam
▪ Choose Sam and go to bed. Go to Sam’s house in the afternoon.
▪ Get to Sam’s house where she sets up a movie date for the both. After a little bit of
talking about tits and ass, Sam goes into the kitchen for some wine. There she gets
kidnapped by Embers band and taken to the park. With Tucker in tow, fight the Tall
Goon. Gain 69 EXP.
▪ After Danny wins the fight, Ember shows up and hypnotizes Tucker to join her. Sam and
Danny make a run for it back to his house, where he convinces his parents to let her
spend the night. Later that night, Sam comes to Danny’s room and they 69.
▪ Afterwards, Sam gets scared at where this it is taking their relationship and bolts. The
next morning, she apologizes. Danny must wait a day, then head to the living room.
▪ There he finds Jazz excited by the concert. Sam gives him a kiss for good luck. Wait till
evening, then go to the Bus Stop on the map to the concert.
▪ Get to the Bus Stop and it asks you if Danny is ready. (Level up if you have not done so
already.) Once Danny is set, he goes off to the concert and faces Ember. Gain 190
EXP. After the battle, get some sleep.
▪ Go back to Danny’s room. Danny realizes that he now has Desiree and Ember in the
thermos, which doesn’t sit well for either one of them. Take a nap, wait until morning.
▪ Wake up and pull Ember from the thermos. Danny convinces her to take a walk with
him, but when she changes into physical form, she ends up naked. Go to Jazz’s room
for some clothes.
▪ Get some of her old clothes from Jazz and head back to Danny’s room. Take her out for
a walk around the park and the mall, still getting nowhere. Ember sees a guitar at the
mall for $300 that reminds her of her old guitar when she was living. They continue to
argue, and Danny puts her back in the thermos. To get her to mellow out, Danny wants
to give her the guitar.
▪ Once you have enough money, Danny wakes up the following morning and gets the
guitar for Ember. She gratefully accepts it and hops back in the thermos. Come back to
the room at night and check on Ember.
▪ Danny finds out that Desiree and Ember can’t stand living together. He lets them roam
about the house, with limitations. Get some sleep. The following night, head to the
upstairs hallway. Over hear the two of them working out their differences over a movie.
Get some sleep.
▪ Wake up the next morning and head to the kitchen, where you find Desiree and Ember
getting along over a cup of coffee. Ember convinces you to take her to Casper High for
old times’ sake. Head out to the school.
▪ Get to the school, have an argument with Sam over Ember, and pants Mr. Lancer.
Afterwards, Danny ditches class with Ember. Go to the park in the afternoon. After she
mellows out, go to bed.
▪ Wake up in the middle of the night to her singing on the roof. Danny checks up on her
and she finally tells him her tragic tale of woe. Afterward, she kisses Danny and then
leaves. Go back to bed.
▪ Wait until night and go back to Danny’s room. Ember talks to Danny and convinces him
to have sex with her. Afterward she admits that she likes him.
▪ The next morning, Danny goes to the bathroom and finds Jazz naked in the shower.
Ember talks to Danny in the hallway and isn’t mad at all. In fact, she has come up with a
new song to help Danny seduce Jazz. (Coming in Episode 7, part 2).
o Maddie (Alternative option)
▪ See A Package for Maddie mission
o Star (Not available until Episode 7, part 2)
o Paulina (Not available until Episode 7, part 2)
o Desiree (Not available until Episode 7, part 2)
o Kate (Not available until Episode 7, part 2)
A Package for Maddie
Convince Maddie into anal for orgone. Do the following:
• At night, go to the living room to see Maddie. She tells you that after a hard day of ghost
hunting, she’s a little tired, but would like for Danny to pick up a package for her. Go back to
Danny’s room. Get a message to go to the Mall the following morning and pick up a package for
• Got to the mystery shop to pick up the package. Find out from the Shop Owner that there was a
problem with the package. It seems that Princess Doretha changed into a dragon again and ate
it. Danny waits at the mall until evening to face her. Transforming herself into a dragon, fight her
again. After beating the dragon, get the package and head home. Go to bed.
• Wake up the next morning and Maddie meet Danny in his room. He gives her the package.
Come back to the kitchen in the afternoon to find the whole family there. You find out that Jack
got Jazz tickets to the Ember concert. While they leave to pick up the tickets, Maddie and Danny
have anal sex in his room. Go to Sam’s house in the afternoon.
• Get to Sam’s house where she sets up a movie date for the both. After a little bit of talking about
tits and ass, Sam goes into the kitchen for some wine. There she gets kidnapped by Embers
band and taken to the park. With Tucker in tow, fight the Tall Goon. Gain 69 EXP.
• After Danny wins the fight, Ember shows up and hypnotizes Tucker to join her. Sam and Danny
make a run for it back to his house, where he convinces his parents to let her spend the night.
Later that night, Sam comes to Danny’s room and they 69.
• Afterwards, Sam gets scared at where this it is taking their relationship and bolts. The next
morning, she apologizes. Danny must wait a day, then head to the living room.
• There he finds Jazz excited by the concert. Sam gives him a kiss for good luck. Wait till evening,
then go to the Bus Stop on the map to the concert.
• Get to the Bus Stop and it asks you if Danny is ready. (Level up if you have not done so already.)
Once Danny is set, he goes off to the concert and faces Ember. Gain 190 EXP. After the battle,
get some sleep.
• Go back to Danny’s room. Danny realizes that he now has Desiree and Ember in the thermos,
which doesn’t sit well for either one of them. Take a nap, wait until morning.
• Wake up and pull Ember from the thermos. Danny convinces her to take a walk with him, but
when she changes into physical form, she ends up naked. Go to Jazz’s room for some clothes.
• Get some of her old clothes from Jazz and head back to Danny’s room. Take her out for a walk
around the park and the mall, still getting nowhere. Ember sees a guitar at the mall for $300 that
reminds her of her old guitar when she was living. They continue to argue, and Danny puts her
back in the thermos. To get her to mellow out, Danny wants to give her the guitar.
• Once you have enough money, Danny wakes up the following morning and gets the guitar for
Ember. She gratefully accepts it and hops back in the thermos. Come back to the room at night
and check on Ember.
• Danny finds out that Desiree and Ember can’t stand living together. He lets them roam about the
house, with limitations. Get some sleep. The following night, head to the upstairs hallway. Over
hear the two of them working out their differences over a movie. Get some sleep.
• Wake up the next morning and head to the kitchen, where you find Desiree and Ember getting
along over a cup of coffee. Ember convinces you to take her to Casper High for old times’ sake.
Head out to the school.
• Get to the school, have an argument with Sam over Ember, and pants Mr. Lancer. Afterwards,
Danny ditches class with Ember. Go to the park in the afternoon. After she mellows out, go to
• Wake up in the middle of the night to her singing on the roof. Danny checks up on her and she
finally tells him her tragic tale of woe. Afterward, she kisses Danny and then leaves. Go back to
• Wait until night and go back to Danny’s room. Ember talks to Danny and convinces him to have
sex with her. Afterward she admits that she likes him.
• The next morning, Danny goes to the bathroom and finds Jazz naked in the shower. Ember talks
to Danny in the hallway and isn’t mad at all. In fact, she has come up with a new song to help
Danny seduce Jazz. (Coming in Episode 7, part 2).

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