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Amy’s Lust Hotel Guide

Amy’s Lust Hotel Guide

Amy’s Lust Hotel Guide [v0.5.8]

Download Game: https://gamecax.com/game/amys-lust-hotel/


Money Cheat Code: 4563

This is not a day walkthrough it say only how you get the Achievements for example: you can get Achievement 28 on the 1 Day.

You must solve sometimes Achievements before you can solve other Achievement or you have the choice first when your gameplay is on the right point.

The rest from the time explore the hotel, talk to people, raise lust or rest.

When you have don´t forget to use daily essence in the living room (table ne) to raise the lust & money from your hotel.

WARNING  !!!  Notebook – don´t check cameras – black screen – bug – only when you far enough in the game – click fast on the first camera with William or choose the back arrow.



1) Management – use notebook – check the customers – talk to Isabelle about hotel when she is in management, go to your room and call the advertising agency

2) your appointment is on Thursday late morning in living room meet him there and talk (you must done point 1 to do this)

3) Check the window in management when the father is in the garden, go to the garden and talk to them, when talk again go outside the building and from that you use the way between restaurant and hotel and you can hear what they are talking

4) talk to Nathan about spyware ( you must solve 2, near end solve 5&12), raise skirt (Lust +1 Nathan),  talk again to get photos

5) Talk to Priest  – company – can help – photos, talk to caliste, give photos to priest [you must solve 4 before]

6) When you have 6 Lust you get it (masturbate for it)

7) Talk to William on different places – talk about rose- ask about rose as director (it`s a order)

8) Try to talk to Greta when she is in the gym (it is closed), talk to mom about the gym key, search bookcase in basement, talk to greta in gym – tell the truth

9) The fertilizer arrives (you must solve near end 12)

10) call agency (you must solve 9)

11) Calista in restaurant talk with her and she talked about you have no cook, talk to you mom about it, go to your room and call Franco, go to the restaurant when it is open (new place unlocked, to the city)

12) Talk to Greta about fertilizer, give panties, at night go to calistas room and steal a pair of panties from the dresser, talk to greta again, the fertilizer arrives, talk to william, get the essence, use daily essence in living room, when the essence is consumed go to garden, use the left way and you can get a petal from the rose

13) go to living room click on table (ne), use essence  (near end point 12)

14) Management – use notebook – help customer (evening), after you helping enough you get it

15) Go a lot of days not to school and skip time in your room – Then your mom came to speak about it

16) Go to Nathan talk about him that he told your mom that you haven´t gone to school

17) When you dance 5x in the gym a trophy appears in your room

18) Management – use notebook – help customer – Stillson, need your help to find his ring – you have to search Jacuzzi, sauna and gym – random

19) go to the pool – Spend 50$ to remove the van (click on the van)

20) you must done point 1 to do this, go to school (morning or late morning, random) tell the bullies – It ìs not their business

21) Management – use notebook – help customer – Antoine, talk to Sybil – I don´t know – beautiful boy – shy person, help again (2x)  he asks she should wear a swimsuit, talk to Sybil – tell him no – I think he likes you

22) you must first choose the choice, go to the basement, you hear a stange voice … – go closer – check screen – show yourself – no

23) Sybil was on the Reception – Can I do something for you – sandwich +1 Relationship (every time you give her one)

24) Management, use notebook – help customer – Nitrodools

25) Voicemail (Miss Colace) – talk to William (I am not sure I you must do it) – talk to nathan – birds – give 30$ – talk again – let him watch by undressing – go to chapel (morning) – shoot 10 birds – (save got it) – solved it after I shoot 9

26) Management – use notebook – help customer – Antoine want paint her nude she refuse, look at your pc – camera –use the video (click on it), go to sauna – tamper air conditioner,  look at your pc – camera – use the video , ) Management – use notebook – help customer – Antoine

27) look 26 – use the video (click on it)[Wed & Fri Night]  – go to sauna – tamper air conditioner  – use the video

28) Management, use notebook – inspect uniforms (morning) [click on the clothes to check if the right clothing worn or if they forgot to wear it, stockings, dress]

29) Management – use notebook – help customer – Friar Alfonso -3xtimes

30) Management – use notebook – help customer – Nitrodools -3xtimes

31) Management – use notebook – help customer – Friar Alfonso, talk to greta in sauna – our sister, Management – use notebook – help customer – Friar Alfonso

32) Voicemail – Business consultant, Management – use notebook – check staff & customers, Voicemail – Business consultant

33) talk to isabelle – auditing accounts (night) – talk to Nathan – give 50$

34) go to school, you meet emily, to get attention  – wolverine

35) go to school (morning or late morning, random) tell the bullies – It ìs not their business, go to school

36) Talk to Isabelle (she tells you that at afternoon she visit the doctor because the baby) – midday (3 time) check the cameras in your room (you see a man in Isabells room) – click on the camera

37) Repair the tennis court, pay 100$, visit the place again and pay 100$

38) Go to the woods/forest

39) Go to school in the morning – after a time you can choose there to go to the bathroom – you hear strange noises – check it – amy help or not, I don´t know if it make differents I haven´t helped her

40) Talk with Greta (How are you?)she tells you she don´t sleep well, go in the night to Gretas room – go closer (click on Greta),talk with her again – go in the night to Gretas room – go closer (click on Greta) – try to lick Greta, talk to Lizzy (Mom) to get sleeping pills, talk with Greta about sleeping pills, go in the night to Gretas room – go closer (click on Greta) –lick Greta , talk with Greta  (How are you?) to herar about it you don´t need it you have solved it before

41) Amy´s Lust 30, masturbate to reach it

42) Help Greta in the restaurant – Monday evening restaurant talk to Greta – Can I help you?

43) talk to Greta (Monday evening restaurant) – ask about couple,  ask Isabelle about couple, talk to great about couple, talk to great about couple, talk to great about couple

44) go Sunday midday in the garden and talk to the gardeners (5xSundays), then talk with Mom about gardeners – go Sunday midday in the garden and talk to the gardeners (2xSundays), then talk with Greta about gardeners, go Sunday midday in the garden and talk to the gardeners (3xSundays),

45) go Sunday midday in the garden and talk to the gardeners, don´t apologize

46) help the customers – Mr. and Mrs. Pearlman (10xtimes) – give up (answer appear at the 10. time), help the customers – Mr. and Mrs. Pearlman – good idea – yes

You have now a weekly daily plan.  When you have done all you get +10 Service Points.

Look at the places from your hotel to see you must renovated it (with symbol magnifying glass and in the guest room click on the furniture)

You can relax in jacuzzi, dance in gym, sauna

Lust raise

Amy masturbate or with Dildo (click on bed)

Lizzy [Mom] spank Amy (don´t go to school and be in you room so Mom can talk to your about it)

Nathan (raise your skirt, when you talk after spyware)

William [Gardner] (sex when fertilizer arrives)

Ralph [priest] (give photos from Calista)

Voicemail – Business consultant


Weekly Daily Plan:

1) Check the Uniforms – Morning click on the not correct Uniform from the girls and it was replaced

2) Spread the aroma – Morning living room click on the table (the time don´t move further after you have done this)

3) Help customer – Evening you can choose a customer NOT Pearlman !!!

4) Work at the restaurant – Evening work

5) Go to college – go to college (FOR MY SAVES IT DON`T WORK ANYMORE)

6) Shoot the birds – hear voicemail – talk to Nathan about birds – go to the chapel in the Morning – shoot 7 birds, you must do this each week again (the time don´t move further after you have done this)

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