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Devil In Your Eyes Guide

Devil In Your Eyes Guide

Devil In Your Eyes Guide 0.02.1

Download Game: https://gamecax.com/game/devil-in-your-eyes/


Devil In Your Eyes actually tracks far more stats than are currently used. These will come into play later on, but for now they don’t serve any real function. Here is a breakdown of the choices that currently have a significant impact on your experience:

  • Whoever you select in the Warehouse prologue will get LESS dialogue later on.
  • Aubrey likes hugs.
  • Checking out a girl’s assets once is always safe, while twice is usually harmful. Aubrey DOES like compliments on her ass though.
  • You can safely peek at Aubrey in the shower, but don’t barge in on her or you’ll miss all bar content and get sentenced to the Douchebag Route. Peeking long enough to see her tattoo will change some future dialogue options.
  • If you aren’t yet a Douchebag, you can explore Aubrey’s Room during Freeroam. Otherwise, she locks the door.
  • In order to leave the apartment, you need to:
    • Take a shower in your bathroom
    • Change into nicer clothes in your office
    • Eat that… sandwich-looking thing in the kitchen fridge
    • When all of the above are done, leave by the door on the right in the Stairwell.
  • At the bar, Sheena likes confidence and doesn’t like you saying you want to fuck Aubrey.
  • After the bar, Sheena will happily offer to suck your knob if she likes you enough. If not (or if you’re a douchebag), you get a solo stroke session ;_;
  • Assuming you aren’t a douchebag, you get a chance to creep on Aubrey at the very end of the day while she’s sleeping.

Things that don’t really matter YET, but probably will in the future, hint hint:

  • You can steal Aubrey’s panties while exploring her home office.
  • Choosing Work while examining your office laptop will let you improve the quality of your art portfolio.
  • At the bar, when you leave Aubrey’s office, you can take a peek at her post board to steal her computer password.
  • At the bar, checking out Joyce’s show will make her happy, while choosing to ignore it will make Renee happy.
  • While the Douchebag route is currently a huge negative on your experience, taking it will change many things in the Day 2 update.
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