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Download game Diatima’s Isekai [v0.14] [APK]

IMAGE GAME Diatima’s Isekai [v0.14] [APK]

Diatima’s Isekai [v0.14] [APK]

Icon thông tin Details GameDiatima’s Isekai [v0.14] [APK]

  • Tác giả Developer: Frozen Synapse
  • Phiên bản Version: 0.14
  • Hệ điều hành Operating system: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Thẻ/Phân loại Tags/Category: 3DCG, Corruption, Female Domination, Female protagonist, Graphic violence, Groping, Lesbian, Male domination, mobile game blackmail, Oral Sex, romance, Voyeurism

About Game Diatima’s Isekai [v0.14] [APK]

Diatima’s Isekai [v0.14] [Frozen Synapse]


Diatima, or Dia for her friends, never asked to be an outcast. In a society where your entire life can be decided by a single event, Dia got the short end of the stick in the genetic lottery. The day of the Awakening was supposed to grant her powers, to give her direction, a purpose…but on that fateful day, something went terribly wrong.
Her Awakening failed, making her a statistical anomaly. A Powerless. The Matrons High Council, the governing body of the Matriarchy, didn’t know what to do with her.
According to the assessment conducted by a supercomputer capable of analyzing a person’s hidden potential, Dia was supposed to be a Breeder, but that’s neither a job nor a vocation; it’s a punishment only reserved for hardcore criminals and traitors.

Faced with a dilemma, the Matrons eventually decided to train her as a fighter to help in the war against the Matriarchy’s old foe: The Spawn. A war that the Matriarchy was slowly losing.
Well aware that the Matrons could change their minds at any time, turning her into a Breeder, Dia was resolved to do everything in her power to prove her worth, to show everyone that the assessment was wrong…but then the Spawn attacked her colony world, and everything changed.

PrequelLuna’s fall from grace

Image Game Diatima’s Isekai [v0.14] [APK]


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Video Game Diatima’s Isekai [v0.14] [APK]

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Link Download Game Diatima’s Isekai [v0.14] [APK]

WindowsOS: Windows
Version: 0.14
Version: 0.14
AndroidOS: Android
Version: 0.14
LinuxOS: Linux
Version: 0.14

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