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Download game Dizsolution [v0.01.05] [APK]

IMAGE GAME Dizsolution [v0.01.05] [APK]

Dizsolution [v0.01.05] [APK]

Icon thông tin Details GameDizsolution [v0.01.05] [APK]

  • Tác giả Developer: Fate 
  • Phiên bản Version: 0.01.05
  • Hệ điều hành Operating system: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android

About Game Dizsolution [v0.01.05] [APK]

Dizsolution [v0.01.05] [Fate]


A powerful crime lord has gone missing, a body is found in the park, a new harmful drug has begun circulating the schools and streets, and a local private research lab has discovered an intriguing new virus that gets stolen before it can be fully tested.

Dizsolution is the story of you , a 24-year-old man, that has more than he could have ever wished for. You had a rough childhood and a checkered past filled with angst. You surrounded yourself with all the wrong crowds, and spent all your time partying too much, getting into fights, breaking the law, and chasing girls…lots of girls. However, that’s all behind you now.
After you met Kayla, your now girlfriend of nearly 2 years, she helped turn your life around. Now, you live with your best friend, have a great job, and are a respected member of the community. Life couldn’t be better!
Unfortunately, Fate has different plans for you; a looming disaster awaits just around the corner, and soon your perfect life will be plunged into the middle of all the cities problems, while you struggle to even deal with your own personal issues.
It’s not long before you are tempted by your old lifestyle and habits; parties, fights, criminal activity, and lots of sex quickly resurface as regular parts of your everyday life again.
Crime and corruption will push you and the whole city to its limits, but all the while, an even deadlier threat is slowly building in the shadows. A threat that will push humanity towards extinction.


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Video Game Dizsolution [v0.01.05] [APK]

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WindowsOS: Windows
Version: 0.01.05
Version: 0.01.05
AndroidOS: Android
Version: 0.01.05
LinuxOS: Linux
Version: 0.01.05

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