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Download game Dope’s Lustful Adventures [v0.03]

IMAGE GAME Dope’s Lustful Adventures [v0.03]

Dope’s Lustful Adventures [v0.03]

Icon thông tin Details GameDope’s Lustful Adventures [v0.03]

  • Tác giả Developer: Dope 
  • Phiên bản Version: 0.03
  • Hệ điều hành Operating system: Windows, Linux, Mac

About Game Dope’s Lustful Adventures [v0.03]

Dope’s Lustful Adventures [v0.03] [Dope]


Lust. It can consume you, devouring your soul as it corrupts you and those around you. Leading you on a journey of debauchery and immorality so perverse that “lust” has been labeled one of the seven deadly “sins.” But what is lust? Is it really that bad? Are the other six “sins” truly so bad as well? Find out as you take control of Dope as he becomes the champion of lust, where he is thrust into a plot in which the survival of the human species rests with his sack.

Change Log

  • Add labels (names) to accessible areas on the map.
  • Expand the basic interactive map feature to open maps without it. (The placeholder
    text is wrong but the events work properly.
  • Jessica’s Photoshoot. (It has some extra options that don’t have renders but the event works as originally intended.)
  • Elise/Party Event. I wouldn’t quite call it an overhaul but the event has been updated/expanded to reflect my original intent. You can build relationship with numerous characters and multiple questlines have starts here. If you miss these quests it’s ok, they can be started later, but there will be benefits to starting the quests now. If you get all the quests, by the end of the update you should have 6. (1 main quest 5 side quests)
  • Add time/stamina modifiers to map distances. (Each area of the map is a “zone”. For example, everything in Hightown is in zone 1. Traveling within a zone takes 1 minute/stamina going from map to map. However, traveling from zone to zone can take up to 30 mins/stamina, or more.)
  • Move the character log from the phone(VS plugin) to the Codex(CGMZ plugin). This is only partially done, but in the future the “Phone” will only show some generic info about a character as well as their relationship stats. The character log will have that as well, plus more detailed information about characters that will update as the game progresses. You’ll also be able to view this same information in the bio portion of the status screen, however, only in party characters will show there.
  • Other shit that I can’t remember.

Image Game Dope’s Lustful Adventures [v0.03]


Other Information Game Dope’s Lustful Adventures [v0.03]





Video Game Dope’s Lustful Adventures [v0.03]

There are currently no YouTube videos for this game.

Link Download Game Dope’s Lustful Adventures [v0.03]

WindowsOS: Windows
Version: 0.03
Version: 0.03
LinuxOS: Linux
Version: 0.03

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