Home » Games » GAMES » Endara Chronicles: The Apothecary [v0.3.1a] [APK]

Download game Endara Chronicles: The Apothecary [v0.3.1a] [APK]

IMAGE GAME Endara Chronicles: The Apothecary [v0.3.1a] [APK]

Endara Chronicles: The Apothecary [v0.3.1a] [APK]

Icon thông tin Details GameEndara Chronicles: The Apothecary [v0.3.1a] [APK]

  • Tác giả Developer: Soniram  
  • Phiên bản Version: 0.3.1a
  • Hệ điều hành Operating system: Windows, Linux, Mac, ANDROID

About Game Endara Chronicles: The Apothecary [v0.3.1a] [APK]

Endara Chronicles: The Apothecary [v0.3.1a] [Soniram]


A young man is given the land and business of his aunt —
being the apothecary along the road between his home,
and the city off in the distance. With little knowledge of
the craft, he must learn to help those in need while also
enjoying the lack of other men due to the militaristic city.

This game is still in early development, and many things will change as the story progresses,
even things in the very beginning. As such, you are free to play the version currently out and
free, but what you see now isn’t what will be later. The story is evolving, as are the characters,
along with the creator. This is a journey of discovery for me, and I welcome you to come along
and find out what this world will eventually become. Comments and suggestions are always
welcome, but be aware that if you judge an early version, you’re judging a developing story as
well as a developing creator. Be sure to check back and see what is changing, especially in the
“Developer Notes” listed below, as while the thread may not be visited a lot, that section will be
updated as plans for updated versions come out. Check out the Discord for more information as
there’s progress tracker on the next version. Support on Patreon is appreciated but not required.


Image Game Endara Chronicles: The Apothecary [v0.3.1a] [APK]


Other Information Game Endara Chronicles: The Apothecary [v0.3.1a] [APK]





Video Game Endara Chronicles: The Apothecary [v0.3.1a] [APK]

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Link Download Game Endara Chronicles: The Apothecary [v0.3.1a] [APK]

WindowsOS: Windows
Version: 0.3.1a
Version: 0.3.1a
AndroidOS: Android
Version: 0.3.1a
LinuxOS: Linux
Version: 0.3.1a

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