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Four Elements Trainer Guide

Four Elements Trainer Guide

Four Elements Trainer Guide Book 1 – 2 – 3


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Four Elements Trainer Guide Book 1


Game Mechanics

Here are my notes on all the mechanics of the game, sorted by location. If you’re like me then you probably had a lot of questions about the game like if the mystery night girl visits have any purpose, if there was anything special or hidden at the marketplace alley besides the one scene, what the drop rates of the stones from the mine were, and so on. Well the answers to those questions and many others are below!


Day Locations

Marketplace – Shop
  • If you need to go to the shop to buy something then use the shop at night. Going to the shop during the day will cause the game to skip the time to night once you exit the shop. However exiting the shop at night does not cause the game to skip the time to day.
  • Once you complete the sidequest Expanding the shop you will automatically earn 20-40 coins at the start of they day. It’s a good idea to start working on this quest as soon as the game starts so you can start getting free money as soon as possible, meaning you won’t have to grind for money.
  • Donating 50 coins to the shop has no purpose.

Marketplace – Elder Council
  • Endorsing Katara gives +1 Respect
  • Visiting Katara’s house for the first time during the day unlocks the option to visit the elder council

  • Training gives +2 Waterbending
  • Your waterbending level has no effect on the difficulty of hunting. However your attack damage will slightly increase at each of these events:
    • Complete the quest Suit up
    • Waterbending = 21
    • Waterbending = 27
    • Complete the quest Spirit bomb -> Training

  • Hunting gives +1 Affection. If Katara is angry it will also lower her anger level by 1.
  • There is nothing in the game that requires more than 17/30 Affection, so leveling it beyond 17 isn’t useful.
  • Pressing Tab enables skip mode which is extremely helpful for speeding up hunting.
  • You will need 2 potions per hunting trip, but if the RNG gods are very displeased, you might need 3.
  • How to hunt 101:
    1. If you are under 20% HP -> Healing potion
    2. If the mooselion moved its head last turn and didn’t attack -> Defend
    3. If you don’t need to heal or defend -> Attack

  • You only need to visit the mountain when the story tells you. It doesn’t have any other purpose.

  • The school is a place you go for some quests and scenes

  • You can go to the mine to mine stones for money and do a couple of sidequests.
  • If you want to abuse the rollback feature of Ren’Py to change stone rarity, the point where the RNG for stone rarity is activated is after you say ‘Yes’ to ‘Should I mine?’
  • On average you get 50 coins per trip to the mine. Technically 50.45 coins.
  • Here are the drop rates and value for all the stones:
    • Common brown stone  –  43% chance  –  25 coins
    • Shiny blue stone  –  36% chance  –  50 coins
    • Rare red stone  –  14% chance  –  80 coins
    • Super rare white stone  –  7% chance  –  150 coins


Night Locations

  • Checking mail will skip to the next day and give you 20-40 coins. There are 11 different letters you can get, but you don’t gain anything by having seen them all. After you read the 11th letter you will get the same letter everytime.
  • Sleeping will skip to the next day but has no other purpose. You should check your mail instead because that will give you coins.
  • Everytime you check your mail or choose sleep, there is a 20% chance of getting the mystery girl blowjob scene. After you’ve seen the scene once, everytime she visits after that you will be asked to either let her keep visiting or have her never visit you again. The mystery girl has no purpose other than being a scene to watch. There is no secret related to her and nothing special happens if you tell her to go away forever or to keep coming back. If you want to keep rewatching the scene at night tell her to keep visiting. If you don’t want to keep seeing the scene tell her to leave forever.

Marketplace – Visit alley
  • Visiting the alley gives you a 40% chance of seeing the lesbians with strap-on scene. The alley has no other purpose or any secrets.


Four Elements Trainer Guide Book 2


Game Mechanics


Drink Recipes

Little tartBlueYellow
Old juiceGreyBlue

Serve drinks

  • When serving drinks if you use the in-game recipe book you will earn significantly less money on your tip. So if you don’t remember a recipe, just tab out and look at the chart here so you don’t lose any money.
  • You earn 45 coins per tip which means you get 135 coins per bartending shift. The exception to this is your first four shifts of serving drinks where you will only earn 24 coins per tip before being promoted.

Drink with soliders

  • The soldiers are only meant to be talked to during certain quests.

Gamble vs Ty Lee

  • Gambling on blackjack isn’t an effective or time efficient way to make money, so there’s not much reason to play it.



Training increases your firebending level. The higher your level, the more damage you do in battles.

Training Requirements
1 – 5None
6Battles = 6
7Tactics = 2
8Ember Island



Azulas room
  • Her room is the location of many events and scenes, and is also a place you will frequently visit while doing quests.
Throne room
  • The throne room is available during the day and is the location of the Azula throne room scenes.



1Battles = 10Blitz
2None1 or 2


Leave City (combat):

When you win a battle you will receive 30-50 coins and have a 50% chance to have a fresh girl added to the farm.

Unit counters
UnitStrong vs.



  • At the armory you can buy armor for yourself, two troops to help you in battle, and health bonuses for both troops.
  • When you buy one of the four armors you are automatically given the health bonus it provides, however you can only have one set of armor equipped at a time. This means it’s a good idea to only buy the best armor since previous armors don’t give retroactive bonuses, i.e. they are a waste of money. If you save your money during the first few days of the game it’s possible to buy the Dragon armor on day 5.
  • At night the armory is also the location of Mai’s scenes.


Farm Mechanics (simple version):

  • Use Ctrl to speed up farm visits/milking
    #1 – Visit the farm every day at night
    #2 – Milk used girls
    #3 – Fuck girls who aren’t pregnant
    #4 – Pregnant -> Milk -> Nipples -> Let her cum
    #5 – Leave farm


Farm Mechanics:

  • How do I get more girls?
    • Once you unlock the farm every time you win a battle you get a 50% chance to have a fresh girl added to the farm. You can also buy used girls for $250 at the shop but it’s a waste of money, so never buy them.
  • How does pregnancy work?
    • 20 days must pass for a pregnant girl to give birth. After a pregnant girl gives birth she becomes a used girl.
  • How do Azula visits work?
    • Azula will visit you every 7 days to pay you. If you have 0 pregnant girls when she visits (this should only happen if you don’t use the farm at all) she will give you +1 pregnant girls.
  • How much do I get paid?
    • 5 coins per milking, 10 coins per birth.
  • Why shouldn’t I just use the lever to milk the girls?
    • You can double the amount of money you make from the farm by using the method I describe in the simplified farm mechanics. If you just use the lever to milk the girls then: milk = used_girls + pregnant_girls but if you use the method I discovered then: milk = used_girls + used_girls_made_pregnant + (pregnant_girls * 2) + 1
  • What is morality?
    • Morality isn’t used in the love route and has no effect on anything in the love route.


Fresh girls:
Taunt-1 Morality
Fuck-1 Morality & becomes pregnant
Set free+1 Morality & -1 fresh girl


Used girls:
MilkMilks # of used girls
FuckBecomes pregant
Set free-1 used girl


Pregnant girls:
Taunt-1 Morality
Milk->Nipples->CumMilks (# of pregnant girls * 2) + 1
Milk -> OtherMilks # of pregnant girls * 2
Fuck-1 Morality
Set free+1 Morality & -1 pregnant girl


Milk via lever:
LeverMilks # of used girls + # of pregnant girls


Four Elements Trainer: Book 3

~My list of walkthroughs and when they’ll be updated~



  • Make sure your game version is at least 0.6.13e, otherwise you won’t be able to get all the obsidian.
  • The tavern must be fully upgraded before you complete all the hospital upgrades, otherwise you will be unable to accept Quest 7!


Obsidian Locations:

Tavern Quests:
  • Rewarded for completing Quest 3: Firebender Attack
  • Rewarded for completing Quest 7: A Peck of Knowledge
  • One obsidian is given to you by Skye when you meet her in the maze
  • Follow these steps from the entrance: up, up, right, right; Fight the enemy that spawns then open the chest
  • One is found the first time you hide in the wooden crate with the hole the guards use for lewdness
  • Two are in the skull at one of the maze’s corners
  • Two are found by jizzing on the headless statue’s tits in the last section of the maze
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