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Download game Gain of Life [v0.35.0] [APK]

IMAGE GAME Gain of Life [v0.35.0] [APK]

Gain of Life [v0.35.0] [APK]

Icon thông tin Details GameGain of Life [v0.35.0] [APK]

  • Tác giả Developer: SirMister
  • Phiên bản Version: 0.35.0
  • Hệ điều hành Operating system: Windows, Mac, Android, Linux
Thẻ/Phân loại Tags/Category: 3DCG, Fantasy, Female protagonist, Management, Oral Sex, Sandbox, Vaginal Sex

About Game Gain of Life [v0.35.0] [APK]

Gain of Life [v0.35.0] [SirMister]

If you gain weight, your clothes will start to get tighter and tighter until you buy a new set of clothes (like losing weight, clothes will also become thinner). If the clothes are too small or need to be RIPed, the game will automatically purchase a set of overpriced clothes for you (this makes sense, because in real life, you will only buy new clothes instead of walking outside naked. So the game will force you to wear clothes).

Your parents paid you for an apartment near the university (your parents paid for a scholarship). By default, you will go to college. If you misbehave, you may be kicked out of college, but you can also leave school if needed. Next to the university/as your job, you can choose from a variety of jobs, each of which contains some special jobs. Some jobs require experience, fame, education, etc., so you will “unlock” them over time.

A high-paying job will enable you to buy things, this game is about money. A lot of money allows you to buy a research center and…do…anything you want to do. This should not be a mini game, which means there must be 365 game days in a game year. Sometimes, for lazy players, the holiday can be skipped by the skip button, but it is more effective to play the scene/vacation yourself without skipping anything.


Image Game Gain of Life [v0.35.0] [APK]

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Video Game Gain of Life [v0.35.0] [APK]

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WindowsOS: Windows
Version: 0.35.0
Version: 0.35.0
AndroidOS: Android
Version: 0.35.0
LinuxOS: Linux
Version: 0.35.0

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