Home » Games » GAMES » Giggle Night: Trixie’s Trial [v0.9.0] [APK]

Download game Giggle Night: Trixie’s Trial [v0.9.0] [APK]

IMAGE GAME Giggle Night: Trixie’s Trial [v0.9.0] [APK]

Giggle Night: Trixie’s Trial [v0.9.0] [APK]

Icon thông tin Details GameGiggle Night: Trixie’s Trial [v0.9.0] [APK]

  • Tác giả Developer: Anaximanes 
  • Phiên bản Version: 0.9.0
  • Hệ điều hành Operating system: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android

About Game Giggle Night: Trixie’s Trial [v0.9.0] [APK]

Giggle Night: Trixie’s Trial [v0.9.0] [Anaximanes]


*Warning – the gameplay does not start until chapter six! From now on there is a Renpy AND the usual HTML version of this game! Game Mode will only work on Renpy until a new JS programmer helps me. This is also a work in progress, so do not consider it done! And lastly, many of the fetishes can be avoided or only play a very small role in the overall project!*

If you are tired of the same everyday adult games with virtually the same models, stories, and cliches- then I invite you to try something fresh, unique, and darker. In this title, the NYC nurse, Trixie Goodwin, (yes- the very same character from my game Slugs and Bugs: Conversion) finds herself standing against theAnaxverse supervillain, The Giggler! She gains super powers, and starts out as a sidekick. However, in time, you can help her become the hero that she is meant to be- or not! Your selfish choices will lead you to corruption and ultimately to becoming a supervillain as well! Of course, without a lot of corruption, mind control, and transformation, this would not be an Anax title, so rest assured dear fans, this one is no different!

*Warning – the gameplay does not start until chapter four, this is an interactive novel so expect a LOT of reading! If you want something simpler, there are countless other games to play instead, and thank you! This is also a work in progress, so do not consider it done!*

Current PUBLIC version (Patreon version is the newest content): Chapter 5 + ACE Files. Renpy Game Mode next release/HTML Game Mode TBA.

This project does have sound- in fact, it is highly reliant on the music and sound effects! I am no programmer, but when I made The Anax: CotCO, BlankSubroutine helped me to create an ON/OFF toggle for the sound. However, to get the full effect, I highly recommend leaving it on! To install this project make sure you unzip (using WinZip, WinRar, or 7z) it wherever you want on your computer, but keep everything together (it is HTML and will play in your browser).

It seems to randomly work in different internet browsers, so try right-clicking it and saying “Open with” and choose, Chrome or Firefox, or something else until you find one that works. Make sure you keep all the files together just as they are unzipped! Also, remember you can hold the <CTRL> button and use your mouse wheel to make the fonts larger or smaller!


Image Game Giggle Night: Trixie’s Trial [v0.9.0] [APK]


Other Information Game Giggle Night: Trixie’s Trial [v0.9.0] [APK]





Video Game Giggle Night: Trixie’s Trial [v0.9.0] [APK]

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Link Download Game Giggle Night: Trixie’s Trial [v0.9.0] [APK]

WindowsOS: Windows
Version: 0.9.0
Version: 0.9.0
AndroidOS: Android
Version: 0.9.0
LinuxOS: Linux
Version: 0.9.0

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