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Guide – Walkthrough King’s New Life

Guide – Walkthrough King’s New Life

Guide – Walkthrough King’s New Life version [v0.4a]

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King’s New Life 0.4a Walkthrough

[CharP, CharL]: Character’s Points/Love
[Dom]: MC’s characteristics
[Variable]: Sets variable to true, unless specified otherwise

Version 0.1
1. “Check that ass?”
a. Yes [GhostP++]
b. No

2. “Do you want her to clean the mess after sex?”
a. Yes
b. No [GhostCP = 1]

3. “Look at her pussy?”
a. Yes [GhostP++] [PL1]
b. No

4. “What should I tell her?”
a. Everything [JasmineP++]
b. Just basics

5. “How should I respond?”
a. Calm [JasmineP+=2] [QueenP++] [Calm1]
b. Mad

6. “Compliment her (.)?”
a. Yes [QueenP++]
b. No

7. “What to do with General Khan?”
a. Retire him (kill him) [KillKhan]
b. Retire him (just retire)

8. “Take a look at her boobs?”
a. Yes [Boobs1]
b. No

9. “How much do you want to tell your sister”
a. She deserves to know everything [SisterL++]
b. Leave some parts of the story

10. “Do you want to spy?”
a. Yes [MomL++]
b. No

11. “Take a sneak peek at dean?”
a. Yes [DeanP++]
b. No

12. “Do you forgive your father?”
a. Yes [MomL++] [SisterL++]
b. No

13. “Pick up his gun?”
a. Does not matter

14. “Take a sneak peek at your grandma?”
a. Does not matter

15. “Now, it’s time for all of your question.”
a. Do all

Version 0.2
1. Ghost: “Why didn’t you text me when you arrived?”
a. Baby [GhostP++] [QueenP++]
b. Aunt Mia [GhostP+=2] [QueenP+=2]

2. “Creampie?”
a. Yes [RachL++] [RachPreg++]
b. No [RachL++]

3. “Accept her offer?”
a. Does not matter

4. “Visit your sister’s room”
a. Yes [SisterL++]
i. Yes [SisterL++]
ii. No
b. No

5. Test (answers in order)
a. 21
b. 6
c. 48
d. 54

Version 0.3
1. “Ask your %(mom)s about the tablet you brought from Egypt?”
a. Yes
i. Yes [MomL++]
ii. No
b. No

2. “Compliment your mom”
a. Yes [MomL++]
b. No

3. “Check her out”
a. Does not matter

4. “Do you want to bring peddle with you?”
a. Yes [Dom++]
b. No

5. “What do you want Lust to call you?”
a. Call me Master. [MasterL = “Master”]
b. Sir is alright. [MasterL = “Sir”]

6. “Who should I talk to now?”
a. Mom and Rachel [TalkMR]
b. Grandma and her assistant [TalkGA]
c. Angela and Riku [TalkAR]
i. Sub-choices do not matter

Version 0.4
1. “Call her Aunt Mia?”
a. Yes [Aunt]
b. No

2. “Do you want to model for these girls?”
a. Yes [Model]
b. No

3. “Ask for a kiss?”
a. Yes [TianaKiss]
b. No

4. “Do you want to pull out?”
a. No [GingCreamPie]
b. Yes

5. “Did you forgive John?”
a. Does not matter

6. “All of a sudden silence filled the backyard of your house, and it’s obvious ….”
a. Kiss mom [KissMom]
b. It’s a mistake


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