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Guide – Walkthrough Young Again

Guide – Walkthrough Young Again

Guide – Walkthrough Young Again [Season 2 – Ch. 2] [Zargon_games]

Download Game: https://gamecax.com/young-again/

Chapter 1
1. Keep quiet.
2. Choose All.
3. Look inside.
4. Go inside.
5. Take the pen.

Chapter 2
1. A) Hug her. [EmmaHug]
B) Kiss her. [EmmaKiss]
C) Leave. [EmmaLeave]

2. Check Ruby’s room.
➢ Pull the bed sheets.

3. Knock

4. Dare.

5. Lick Nose
“See picture on next page.”
Note: Spin bottle with hand in picture.

6. Truth.
Note: Spin bottle again as in picture above.

7. Dare.

8. Enter.

Chapter 3
1. Spy on Ruby.
2. Mini game. (Click on objects before timer runs out. Or fail and choose fuck this mini-game)
3. Make her aware you found it.
4. Leave the shower curtain as is.
5. Remove her paints.
6. Investigate the noise.
7. Look closer.

Chapter 4
1. Give your homework to Lucas.
➢ Enter. [Cyn+1]
2. Knock on door.
3. Ask her.
4. Reassure her.
5. Mini Game (Based on Random Chance, Defend to get back HP, if lose you can skip.)
6. Knock on the door.

Chapter 5
1. Take the money. [Money=1]
2. Ask her.
3. Take her to bed. (Your Choice)
4. Spy on the Lady’s locker room.
5. Open the curtain.
Saving here is recommended, so you can pick the other choice first on #6. (Left, Keep watching
6. Spy on the shower on the right.

Chapter 6
1. I’m not just that… (Your Choice).

2. A) Join Lucas and Zoe’s team. [C6Group=1]
➢ Please Zoe. (More interesting choice)
➢ No Zoe.
B) Join Emma and Ruby’s team. [C6Group=2]
➢ Beat him up. (Risk of…) [C6Direction=1]
➢ Console Emma. [C6Direction=2]

3. Tell her the truth. (Your Choice)

4. Mini game, with optional skip.

Chapter 7
1. Tell her your dream. (Your Choice)
2. Place your hand on leg. (Your Choice)
3. Sleep with Anna. [AnnaRelation=1]
4. Go for it. [Anna+1]
5. Pull sheet.
6. I want to see her face when…
7. Go back to your side of the bed.
8. Rub your dick on her ass.
9. Cum on her ass.
10. Better not. (Your Choice)
11. Do it!

Chapter 8
1. The Amazon.
2. Of course.
3. Turn off the light.
4. Open your eyes. [RubyRelation+1]
5. Wow that would be great. [ZoeGame]
6. Go to Emma’s room. [EmmaRelation+1]
7. Of Course!
8. Go for it.
9. Your Choice.
10. Your Choice.

Chapter 9
1. Shout at Richard. (Your Choice)
2. Be funny. (Your choice).
3. Your choice.
4. Help Mr. T. [TRelation+1]
5. Get up anyway (Your choice).
6. Look at photos of Ruby. (Your Choice)

Chapter 10
1. A) Give her money away. [Rm+1]
B) Do not insist.

2. Take both potions. (Or you will miss part of a choice)

3. A) Let Lucas accompany Emma. [NatRelation=1]
 Go to Natalie’s room.
o Cum on her face. (Your choice)
 Reject her.
B) Go with to get the food.

4. A) Beer too. [Drink=1]
B) Whiskey on the rocks. [Drink=2]
C) A Cosmopolitan. [Drink=3]
 Ok fine… [Drink=3]
 Yea, and your gonna love it.

5. A) I chose the redhead. [Dancer=1]
B) I choose the blonde. [Dancer=2]

6. A) Maybe one night with you… [RoxyRelation=1]
B) Ok, I’ll do it for the money.

7. A) Let lust take over. (There’s not consequences so go for it.)

Chapter 11
Mini Game
1. Your choice (Based on Mini Game, none of these have variables in the choices so have fun)
2. Insist on staying in the bathroom. (If you want to see Ruby Pee, if not) {Go to #4}
3. Do it.
4. Leave Ruby alone.
5. Ask for a kiss.
6. Your choice.
Mini Game (You can skip this one after you fail if you want)
7. Yes, I saw them.
8. Take a picture of her boobs. (Your Choice)
9. A) Slap her butt. [Slap=1]
B) Kiss her butt.
10. Focus on Emma.
11. Focus on Ruby.
12. Swim towards them.
Saving here is recommended so you can choose win and lose the race.
13. Your choices.
14. Enter the women’s locker room.
15. Knock on the door.
16. Your choice.
17. Your choice.
18. Cum in her vagina. (It says risk of pregnancy but there is no variable for it, so do as you like)

Chapter 12
Note: #1-2 are only for those who obtained [EmmaRelation=1].
1. Tell the truth. (Your Choice)
2. Offer oral sex. (Your Choice)
Note: #3-4 are only for those who did NOT obtain [EmmaRelation=1].
3. Tell the truth. (Your Choice)
4. A) Pet Fiona. [Cat=1]
B) Better not.
5. Ask if they killed… (Your Choice)
Note: The choices you get will be based on previous decisions with ruby.
6. If you choose Ruby, choose “Continue Grouping”) [Fork=1]
Note: #7-8 is only for those who obtained [EmmaRelation=1].
7. Accept offer.
8. Tell the truth. (Your Choice)
9. A) Focus your eyes on Grace. [Grace_Ass=1]
B) Better not…
10. A) Of course. [RubyBlow=1]
B) Better not…
11. Wait in the car. [GraceRelation=1]
12. Tell her she looks. (Your Choice)
13. Let yourself fall.
14. Propose to undress her. [Grace=Naked]
15. Take a closer look.
16. Check the left side of the house.
17. Lie on Graces bed. [GraceRelation=1]
18. Continue with massage.

Chapter 13
Note: If [AnnaRelation>=1], then [AnnaRelation=1].
Note: #1-3 are only for those who obtained [AnnaRelation=1].
1. Resist the temptation.
2. Your Choice. [AnnaRelation=2]
3. Return to Anna’s room.
Note: #4 is only for those who obtained [ZoeGame=1].
4. A) Going forward with the prize.
B) Cancel it. [ZoeGame=0] [Cancel=1]
5. Spank her.
6. Your choice.
7. Talk about Natalie’s… (Your Choice)
Saving here is recommended
Note: #8 is only for those who obtained [ZoeGame=1].
8. A) Start with Veronica. [Cl13Vero=1]
B) Start with Zoe.
9. Your choices (Sex choices)
Note: #10 is only for those who did NOT obtain [ZoeGame=1].
10. A) Look at PC. [RubyPhotos=1]
B) Don’t do it.

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