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Download game Harvest Moon: Back To Nature

IMAGE GAME Harvest Moon: Back To Nature

Harvest Moon: Back To Nature

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Thẻ/Phân loại Tags/Category: Adventure, Offline

About Game Harvest Moon: Back To Nature

Harvest Moon: Back To Nature



Harvest Moon: Back To Nature APK Android – Natsume’s farm simulation series makes its debut on the PlayStation with Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. Starting out with a few rudimentary implements and very little money, you begin the arduous task of reviving your grandfather’s farm and thereby claiming your place as its rightful heir.

Players are given three years to achieve this goal. A year consists of four seasons, each of which lasts 30 days. Different crops can be planted each season, but before the seeds can be planted, the land must be cleared and then the soil tilled.

Seeds must also be watered until the fruit or vegetable matures. Once the crops are ready for harvest, they can be placed in a shipping bin where they’ll be collected and paid for. In addition to farming, players will interact with local villagers and partake in seasonal events such as the Tomato Festival and Fireworks Display. As more money is earned, players can expand their farm and begin to raise livestock such as chickens and cows.

The daily weather report must be monitored as well. Rain may be good for crops, but livestock left outdoors in harsh weather become unhappy and will not produce as much wool or milk. Not only must you manage a thriving farm, but you’ll also need to woo one of the many eligible females in the village. Will your heart yearn for the shy but sincere Elli? Or will the lovely Popuri catch your eye?

By giving the girl of your dreams gifts and by remembering her birthday each year you could end up falling in love and even getting married. With only so many hours in the day, will you be able to strike a balance between your work, social life, and finding the girl of your dreams? And what secret does the cave atop Mother’s Hill hold?

No Need Emulator


* Non-linear, real-time game play allows for a wide assortment of events!
* Compete with villagers in challenging festivals, such as Chicken Sumo and an annual Town Tomato Fight!
* Collect and Cook different recipes. Create your own dishes to ‘woo’ the women in town.
* Befriend the Harvest Sprites to help out around the Ranch!

Manufacturer’s description:

As a child you visited your Grandfather’s ranch when vacation plans fell through. Return to the farm that holds fond childhood memories and rejuvenate it’s long neglected fields. Tend to your livestock and interact with over 50 characters. As you struggle to make the farm something your grandfather would be proud of, one nagging question remains: What ever happened to the little girl that you knew a decade ago?

* Non-liner, real-time game play allows for a wide assortment of events
* Compete with villagers in challenging festival mini contests.
* Add a kitchen and collect recipes. Women love a man who can cook!


Third person perspective.

3D graphics

Cartoon graphics

Farm & breeding themes.

Image Game Harvest Moon: Back To Nature

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Video Game Harvest Moon: Back To Nature

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AndroidOS: Android

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