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Look down the barrel and expect the load to explode – Apex Legends porn

Look down the barrel and expect the load to explode – Apex Legends porn

Reviving your friend in the battle royal game is a feat of honor. If you leave your friend to die out as you roam around the map shooting at your enemies, chances are, at one point or another, your buddies will roast you for it, and you will become the joke of the game. Always a fun thing to have, regardless of how mean it is. It is the way of the bros. But this underlines a greater dynamic that lies underneath. The addiction factor of it all. If you’re willing to go out on your own and catch a bullet before reviving a friend, strange yet stealthy dopamine compulsions must be taking place. And that’s just the thing, Apex Legends is a hell of a shooter game, one that you can’t get enough of.

Get addicted to the game just like you’re addicted to porn

The way the reward loop in humans works is like this. Do the activity. If it’s something aligned with our being, then a dopamine hit occurs, and we want to do it again. It’s that ole pleasure principle. Now think about it. You are playing video games. They are fast and fun. You are playing it with the people you care about, your friends. The pleasure principle here is so high that you are bound to get addicted to it. Simple enough. Now think about porn. It is our basic drive for reproduction, embedded in our DNA since forever. We can’t get rid of this drive even if we want to. Why would we? Now, combine this with video games. When you do this, you get something called Apex Legends porn.

It might be that we can’t get rid of our basic drives

Video games and sexual imagery go hand in hand, like water and oil. They both are extremely pleasurable, and they are both available when we want it. Well, maybe not the sex part, but the sexual release at least is. So, for all of you nerds out there who are jerking off to all of the female players on Apex Legends, who secretly wish that you are the man of their lives, here’s the solution. Check out the page that combines the sex part of the game with porn. Be careful, this is not going to be the magic bullet and the solution to all of your problems, but it will be a release of sorts.

Apex Legends porn will get you hard as if you got a triple headshot

Who knew that we would live in an era where all of our fantasy characters would get their very own porn? There are very few that actually got real porn, mostly due to its copywriting laws and such. If it weren’t the problem, we would all have amazing porn videos with characters that we’d all bang in an instant, regardless of them not being real. They are as real as our imagination says so. In some years from now, this too will be a possibility, and reality of sorts, a virtual one, just like video games are now. Apex Legends porn is a hell of a site, one that gathers all of the fan-made porn videos. There are animated ones, comics, and there are those that deal with specific skins that the game has. The fans have spoken, and they have made their decision – Apex Legends porn is here to stay. Lock and load, ladies and gentlemen, the battle is about to begin.

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