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Max’s Life Guide – Walkthrough

Max’s Life Guide – Walkthrough

Max’s Life Guide – Walkthrough Chapter 3 – Ver 0.28

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Mom: Love = ML Corruption = MC
Laura: Love = LL Corruption = LC
Rita: Love = RL Corruption = RC
Susan: Love = SL Corruption = SC
Dominique: Love = DL Corruption = DC
Tina: Love = TL Corruption = TC
Mei: Love = MeiL Corruption = MeiC
Alisia(cousin): Love = CL Corruption = CC
Aunt: Love = AL Corruption = AC
Paulina: Love = PL Corruption = PC
Kristel: Love = KL Corruption = KC
Sophia: Love = SoL Corruption = SoC
Natalie: Love = NL Corruption = NC
Elena: Love = EL Corruption = EC
Amber: Love = AmL Corruption = AmC
Maya: Love = MaL Corruption = MaC
Daisy: Love = DaL Corruption = DaC
Amy: Love = YL Corruption = YC
Sarah (aunt2): Love = A2L Corruption = A2C
Emma: Love = EmL Corruption = EmC
Erika: Love = ErL Corruption = ErC

Scores at the beginning of the game
26 ML/88 MC
21 LL/81 LC
22 RL/46 RC
10 SL/27 SC
10 DL/22 DC
4 TL/11TC
9 MeiL/7 MeiC
8 CL/29 CC
27 AL/54 AC
1 PL/2 PC
8 KL/32 KC
1 SoL/18 SoC
16 NL/24 NC
9 EL/9EC
3 AmL/14 AmC
3 MaL/14 MaC
0 DaL/1 DaC
3 YL/13 YC
0 A2L/ 0A2C
0 EmL/0 EmC
0 ErL/0 ErC

-Bring suitcases to the right person
1. Grandpa
2. Emma
3. Steve
4. Aunt

Common 1
-Park Night>2 new prostitutes (the two on the left, blonde and white hair) can be purchased for the
-You get 25.000$ every Saturday
-If something doesn’t work, try it on one of the next days

Aunt2 1
-Mon – Fri Morning>Join them at the dinning room, choose Aunt, go shopping +1 A2L
-Tue, Thu, Sun Evening>Help her at the dinning room +1 A2L
Repeat both steps till you have 10 A2L

Emma 1
-Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat Evening>Help her at the dinning room +1 EmL
Repeat till you have 10 EmL
-Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat Day>Talk to her in her room +2 EmL
-Build gym in empty room for 50.000$

Aunt2 2
-Any day> Buy 3x cigarettes and 1x tanning oil at the market
-Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat Day>Talk to grandpa, bring him to Emma, back to the pool,
talk to Aunt2, talk to her again (with cigarettes) +1 A2L
repeat till 13 A2L

– Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat Day>Talk to grandpa, bring him to Emma, back to the pool,
talk to Aunt2, talk to her again(with tanning oil),
get achievement +2 A2L

Laura 1
– All day Day>Laura’s room, talk to her, get achievement(unlocks Lingerie shop) +1 LL
– All day Day>Laura’s room, talk to her, get achievement +1 LL
– All day Evening>Laura’s room, talk to her, get achievement +1 LL

Emma 2
-Everyday Night>Click on Emma’s bed
-Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat Day>Talk to Emma in gym, get achievement(unlock Nightclub) +2 EmC
-Everyday Night>Visit Nightclub, talk to Bodyguard, talk to Barkeeper,
choose Mojito, talk to girl, visit Men’s Bathroom,
last cabin, talk to Barkeeper again, choose Tequila sunrise,
give it to Bodyguard, go upstairs, talk to Emma and the other guys +3 EmC
-Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat Day>Talk to Emma at the gym, choose show me your boobs,
get achievement +3 EmC

Amy and Susan
-Any day Day>Click in Susan’s house on the toilet, get achievement
-Any day Morning>Click in Susan’s bedroom on Amy and Susan, get achievement +5 YC
-Any day Morning>Click in Susan’s laundry on Susan, go to the laundry,
click on laundry machines on the right, get achievement +1 SL
-Any day Morning> Click in Susan’s laundry on Susan (unlocks Library)
-Any day Morning>Go to Library, click on last bookshelf +1 YL
-Any day Morning>Go to library, click on blond girl, click on last bookshelf,
get achievement +5 YC

Daisy 1
-Any day Morning>Go to farm, click on Daisy and Dominique, find the 4 chickens
in the next pictures
-Any day Morning>Go to farm, click on Daisy and Dominique, find chickens again,
get achievement +5 DaC
-Any day Night> Go to farm, click on hay on the right of the house, find chickens at night,
report back to Dominique on next day, click on Dominique and Daisy
-Any day Night>Go to farm, click on Bedroom door, go outside and click on the right
side of the house, get achievement +5 DaC

Mom 1
-Any day Day>Click on mom in Living room, go to Electronics shop in the mall, buy TV
for 2500$, back to Living room, click on broken TV. Get achievement +1 ML

-Any day Morning>Go to Kristel’s House, click on her bathroom, click on Kristel,
get achievement +1 KL
V0.24 Score: 27 ML/88 MC, 24 LL/81 LC, 22 RL/46 RC, 11 SL/27 SC, 10 DL/22 DC,
4 TL/11 TC, 9 MeiL/7 MeiC, 8 CL/29 CC, 27 AL/54 AC, 1 PL/2 PC, 9 KL/32 KC,
1 SoL/18 SoC, 16 NL/24 NC, 9 EL/9 EC, 3 AmL/14 AmC, 3 MaL/14 MaC,
0 DaL/11 DaC, 4 YL/23 YC, 15 A2L/ 0A2C, 12 EmL/8 EmC, 0 ErL/0 ErC.

Common 2
-Park Night> 1 new prostitute (the black girl in the middle) can be purchased for the club
-New model at Rita’s studio (Cindy), do all the Photo shoots and have sex with her (do this before you
start Rita’s quest, or you can’t do this until further updates of the game)
-Any day Morning/Day>Yakuza HQ>Talk to boss
-Any day Morning/Day>Club office, talk to Aunt, get achievement +5 AL
-Any day Morning/Day>Yakuza HQ>Talk to boss
-Any day Morning/Day>Yakuza HQ>Talk to boss
-Any day Morning/Day/Evening>Church, Maria’s room, talk to Maria/Stella
-Any day Morning/Day>Yakuza HQ>Talk to boss, get achievement
-After last scenes Night>Church, Secret room, click on Maria, get achievement
Rita 1
-Any day Morning/Day>Yakuza HQ, Click on “Black & White”
-Any day Morning/Day>Studio, click on Rita
-Any day Morning/Day>Mall, Electronics shop
-Any day Morning/Day>Studio, click on Rita
-Any day Morning/Day>Home, click on Rita’s diary (under the pillow) in her room
-Any day> Your room, click on Laptop, “Buy it”
-Any day Morning/Day>Studio, click on Rita
-During the flight>Search for tape under the monitor, get achievement
-In hotel>Visit every location, talk to Receptionist, talk to Rita, talk to Receptionist again
-In hotel>Visit pool with Rita
-In hotel>Visit beach with Rita, “accept his offer” or “reject his offer” during this scene
lead to two different outcomes (save here to see the other scene),
get achievement
The “accept his offer” choice is only available if NTR is enabled!
Black & White
-Any day>Yakuza HQ, talk to Black and white, choose different clothings
during shopping scene
-Any day>Yakuza HQ (not the same day), talk to Black & White for second photo shooting
-Any day>Yakuza HQ (not the same day), talk to Black & White for third photo shooting
V0.25 Score: 27 ML/88 MC, 24 LL/81 LC, 22 RL/46 RC, 11 SL/27 SC, 10 DL/22 DC,
4 TL/11 TC, 9 MeiL/7 MeiC, 8 CL/29 CC, 27 AL/59 AC, 1 PL/2 PC, 9 KL/32 KC,
1 SoL/18 SoC, 16 NL/24 NC, 9 EL/9 EC, 3 AmL/14 AmC, 3 MaL/14 MaC,
0 DaL/11 DaC, 4 YL/23 YC, 15 A2L/ 0A2C, 12 EmL/8 EmC, 0 ErL/0 ErC.
Common 3
-If you start the game for the first time after updating to v0.26 you will be asked if NTR should be
enabled or not. You can change this decision using your ingame Notebook
-Some scenes only trigger if you’ve done the content from previous updates, be sure to do everything
(especially also hire all the prostitutes in the park at night, which are available)
Sophia 1
-Any day night>Go to sleep in your room, next day a scene triggers where you’re +5 A2C
going to camp with Sophia/Kristel/Alvin, enjoy the scenes, +10 SoC
get achievement +10 KC
-Any day morning>Go to Sophia Home>Kristel room>Talk to Alvin and Kristel
If you have NTR enabled you get two options during this talk “The time has come…” leads to
the NTR route, “We will deceive him” to the normal route.
Sophia NTR Route
-Choose “The time has come…”
-Go to Sophia’s room>Talk to Sophia
-Go to Kristel’s room>Talk to Kristel
-Go home to your room>Use the notebook>Camera>Alvin
-Evening>Go to your old home>Mom’s room>Ask her to take some photos
-Go back to your room (new home)>Click on the notebook to send the photos to Alvin
-Go to Sophia’s home>Alvin’s room
-Go to the sex shop>Buy Luxurious lingerie for 500$
-Go to Sophia’s home>Sophia’s room>Talk to her, enjoy the scene, get achievement
-Next day morning>Go to Sophia’s home>Kristel’s room>Talk to Kristel, choose “Okay!”,
get achievement +2 KL
-Day>Go to Sophia’s home>Sophia’s room>Talk to Sophia, choose “Okay!”,
get achievement +10 SoL
Sophia Normal Route
-Choose “We will deceive him” (if NTR is disabled, there’s no option to choose during the talk with
-Go to Apartments>Enter the club>Talk to Aunt>You can now choose which prostitute
(The second one from the right with
brown hairs is the correct one)
-Go to Elena’s Home at evening>Elena’s bedroom>Click on the heart shaped perfume
-Go to Sophia’s home>Kristel’s room>Talk to Kristel
-Go to Twin’s home(former Kristel’s home)>Click arrow to the left>Click door of the trailer>
Click on the mask
-Go to Sophia’s home>Kristel’s room>Talk to Kristel>Enjoy scene and get achievement
-Next day morning>Go to Sophia’s home>Kristel’s room>Talk to Kristel, choose “Okay!”,
get achievement +2 KL
-Day>Go to Sophia’s home>Sophia’s room>Talk to Sophia, choose “Okay!”,
get achievement +10 SoL
Maya 1
-Any day morning>Go to Twin’s home>Enter Living room>Talk to Janice
-Any day day>Go to Twin’s home>Enter Living room>Talk to Amber/Mario/Maya
-Any day morning (next day)>Go to Twin’s home>Bathroom>Watch scene
(you loose the keys to the twins house during this scene)
-Any day>Your room>Use notebook>Camera>Maya
-Any day(wait till next day)>Your room>Use notebook>Camera>Maya
-Saturday night>Go to twin’s home>Click left arrow>Click on the tree in front of the trailer,
choose “Yes”, go to Janice room (left arrow, door), search the two nightstand’s on the left
and right of the bed, watch scene, go back to the bathroom and out of the window, choose
“Yes”, watch scene
-Any day>Your room>Use notebook>Camera>Maya
-Any day Night>Twin’s home>Left arrow>Enter the trailer, get achievement +5 MaC
Erika 1
-Any day Evening>Go to Church>Erika’s room>Talk to Lily and Erika, get achievement +15 ErC
-Any day Evening>Go to Church>Erika’s room>Talk to Lily (unlocks Park in the City)
-Go to Park (old neighborhood)>Click on the flowers
-Go to Farm>Click on the flowers
-Go to Twin’s home>Click on the flowers
-Go to My home(Villa)>Click on the flowers
-Go to Park (in the City)>Click on the flowers
-Go back to the Church>Erika’s room>Talk to Lily
-Any day Evening>Go to Church>Erika’s room>Talk to Lily, get achievement +10 ErC
-Any day Morning>Go to Sex Shop>Talk to Saleswomen
-Any day Morning>Go to Mall>Electronics Shop
-Any day Night>Go to Park(in the City)>Talk to Shady guy, choose “Buy them” for 200$
-Any day Evening>Go to Church>Erika’s room>Talk to Lily, get achievement +10 ErC
-Any day Morning>Go to Sex Shop>Buy Butt Plug and Anal Lube
-Any day Evening>Go to Church>Erika’s room>Talk to Lily, get achievement
-Any day Evening>Go to Apartments>Enter the club>Talk to Eva
-Wait 3 days
-Any day Evening>Go to Apartments>Enter the club>Talk to Eva(unlocks Eva’s home)
-Any day Night>Go to Eva’s Home>Enter the bathroom>Find fucking machine
(under the table on the right)
-Any day Evening>Go to Church>Erika’s room>Talk to Lily, get achievement +10 ErC
-Any day Evening>Go to Church>Erika’s room>Talk to Erika, choose “I want to
fuck your pussy”, get achievement +10 ErC
-Any day Evening>Go to Church>Erika’s room>Talk to Erika, choose “I wanna break
your ass”, get achievement +10 ErC
V0.26 Score: 27 ML/88 MC, 24 LL/81 LC, 22 RL/46 RC, 11 SL/27 SC, 10 DL/22 DC,
4 TL/11 TC, 9 MeiL/7 MeiC, 8 CL/29 CC, 27 AL/59 AC, 1 PL/2 PC, 11 KL/42 KC,
11 SoL/28 SoC, 16 NL/24 NC, 9 EL/9 EC, 3 AmL/14 AmC, 3 MaL/19 MaC,
0 DaL/11 DaC, 4 YL/23 YC, 15 A2L/ 5A2C, 12 EmL/8 EmC, 0 ErL/65 ErC.
Common 4
-If you start the game for the first time after updating to v0.27 you will be asked if
Watersports should be enabled or not. You can change this decision using your ingame
-The game has now an integrated help system which can be found if you click the help
button on the notebook in your room
Aunt2 3
-Any day (not on weekend) Morning>Go shopping with her, after shooping click on her and
choose “Look her ass”, go to Emma’s bathroom,
find medikit, enjoy scene
-Any day Morning>Go to her room, give her a massage (repeat until scene with Mom +5A2C
is shown), go to pool, get achievement +5ML
-Any day Day/Evening>Go to Steve’s room +2A2L
-Any day Morning>Talk to her in the gym
-Any day Evening>Give her a massage at the pool (Emma should intervene)
-Any day Morning>Click door near the pool, build Sauna for 75.000$
-Any day Morning>Talk to her in the Sauna, get achievement +5A2L
-Any day Morning>Talk to her in the Sauna, get achievement +5A2L
-Any day Evening>Give her a massage at the pool, get achievement +5A2C
Natalie 1
-Any day Day>Talk to Emma/Natalie in the sauna, get achievement
-Any day (not night)>Talk to cleaning women in the club
-Any day>Talk to saleswomen in the Lingerie store, enjoy scene (could be repeated if
you talk to her again)
-Any day Day>Talk to Natalie/Emma in the sauna
-Any day Morning>Talk to Steve while he’s playing with the dog (red arrow in front of the villa)
-Wednesday Night>Go to the night club +10EML
-Any day Morning>Talk to her in her room, choose “Sex”>”Vaginal”, get achievement +2NL
-Any day Morning>Talk to her in her room, choose “Sex”>”Anal”, get achievement +2NL
Aunt2 4, Mom 2, Laura 2, Rita 2
-Any day Night>Go to sleep
-Any day>Go to empty room next to the gym (you need 450.000$ and five men to help
expanding the villa)
-Any day>Go to Martha home (unlocks after you talked to Steve during the Natalie quest),
click on the garage door, click on the trapdoor, talk to Martha
-Any day>Go to Sophia’s home, talk to Alvin in his room
-Any day>Go to dungeon in the Church, talk to Maria/Yakuza Boss
-Any day>Go to empty room next to the gym if you got the money and the men and
choose “Start work”
-Any day Morning>Talk to Aunt2 and Mom in the sauna, get achievement +5ML
-Any day Day>Talk to the girls at the pool, go to market, buy the ball,
talk to the girls again at the pool, the girl you choose has to do
something afterwards, “Squirts for me” unlocks an achievement
for all 4 girls, after the scene you can play again to see all other
scenes if you want
-Any day Evening>talk to Mom and Aunt2 at the pool, choose “Join them”, get achievement +5A2L
-Any day Morning>Go to new part of the villa, click on bathroom door (second from the lift),
click on Mom, choose “Yes”, get achievement +3ML
-Any day Day>Go to new part of the villa, click on bathroom door, click on Laura/Rita, +2LL
choose “Join them”, get achievement +2RL
V0.27 Score: 40 ML/88 MC, 26 LL/81 LC, 24 RL/46 RC, 11 SL/27 SC, 10 DL/22 DC,
4 TL/11 TC, 9 MeiL/7 MeiC, 8 CL/29 CC, 27 AL/59 AC, 1 PL/2 PC, 11 KL/42 KC,
11 SoL/28 SoC, 30 NL/24 NC, 9 EL/9 EC, 3 AmL/14 AmC, 3 MaL/19 MaC,
0 DaL/11 DaC, 4 YL/23 YC, 32 A2L/ 40A2C, 22 EmL/8 EmC, 0 ErL/65 ErC.
Common 5
-Park Night> 1 new prostitute (the pink haired girl on the right) can be purchased for the club
Rita 3
-Any day Morning> Talk to her if she’s sitting in front of her Laptop
-Any day> Talk to Rayne in the Sexy Shop
-Any day> Talk to Maria in the Church Basement
Daisy 2
-Any day Morning>Talk to Daisy at the farm
-Any day Day> Peek on Daisy in the farm’s bathroom
-Any day Night>Peek on Daisy/Dominique in her bedroom (click on the right of the house
from the outside), unlock achievement
-Any day Day>Talk to Dominique
-Any day Morning>Talk to Daisy in the Shed while she’s milking the cow, get achievement +10 DaC
-Any day Morning>Talk to Diasy in the Shed, get achievement +10 DaC
+5 DaL
-Any day Day> Talk to Daisy while she’s harvesting apples (click left arrow on the farm),
find ladder in shed, get achievement +5 DaC
-Any day Morning> Go to the farm, a man wants to confiscate the farm
-Any day Morning>Elena’s home, your dad leaves to Italy
-Any day Morning>Talk to Elena in her living room
-Any day Morning> Talk to Martha in her secret lab, wait 3 days
-Any day Morning(after the 3 days)> Talk to Martha in her secret lab
-Any day Morning>Talk to Elena in her living room
-Next day Morning> Talk to the girls in the farms shed, choose Dominique, get achievement +10 DL
-Next day Morning> Talk to the girls in the farms shed, choose Elena, get achievement +10 EL
-Next day Morning> Talk to the girls in the farms shed, choose Daisy, get achievement +15 DaL
+10 DaC
-Next day Morning> Talk to the girls in the farms shed
Tina 1
-Any day Morning>Go to the Gym, talk to Tina
-Any day anytime>Go to the market, buy 2 spycams
-Any day evening>Go to the girls locker room in the gym, install spycam
-Any day evening>Go to the girls shower room, talk to Tina, get achievement +5TL
-Next day morning>Check the spycam on your notebook
-Day>Check the spycam on your notebook
-Evening>Go to the girls shower room, install 2nd spycam
-Sunday Morning>Check spycam in the shower room from your notebook, get achievement
-Monday Morning>Talk to Tina and Milena at the gym
-Any day Morning>Talk to Thiago in the secret lab
-Any day Morning>Go to Brenda’s home (new location on the map), talk to Brenda
-Any day>Click on Martha’s house door
-Any day>Go to Sophia’s home, talk to Alvin, decide if Alvin should join or not
(maybe make a save here, if you want to see both scenes), get achievement
-Next day Morning>Talk to Tina/Milena at the gym
-Sunday Morning>Join Tina and Milena at the women’s locker room, get achievement
Rita 4
-Any day Morning>Talk to Maria in the church basement
-Any day (not on the weekend) Day>Talk to the black guy in the gyms locker room
-Any day Morning>Talk to Rita 2 times (the second time starts watching the movie,
which can be viewed again, by clicking on the screen in your home
V0.28 Score: 40 ML/88 MC, 26 LL/81 LC, 24 RL/46 RC, 11 SL/27 SC, 20 DL/22 DC,
9 TL/11 TC, 9 MeiL/7 MeiC, 8 CL/29 CC, 27 AL/59 AC, 1 PL/2 PC, 11 KL/42 KC,
11 SoL/28 SoC, 30 NL/24 NC, 19 EL/9 EC, 3 AmL/14 AmC, 3 MaL/19 MaC,
20 DaL/46 DaC, 4 YL/23 YC, 32 A2L/ 40A2C, 22 EmL/8 EmC, 0 ErL/65 ErC.

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