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Nano-control Guide

Nano-control Guide

Walkthrough/ guide for Nano-control

As of version 0.30:

Unlocking the next upgrade option.
Click on the book in the study after reaching the required exp.
Level 0 -> 1: 50 Exp for that character
Level 1 ->2: 80 Exp for that character
Level 2 ->3: 125 Exp for that character

Upgrading the controller:
Once you need to upgrade a girl to level 3, you will need to upgrade the controller.
-Click on the book and choose a subject ready for level 3 upgrade.
-Go to the lab and talk to G.
Unlocking the mansion
-You will be able to unlock the mansion after Jace arrives in the town.
-Get Jace to level 1
-Get Elaine and Rika to level 3
-Complete Elaine and Rika’s mind room 2.
-Work in the garden for a about 1-6 times and talk to the mayor.
-Select “Yes”
Note: The mansion will have items and cracks that you will be able to repair with Glibs. You will also be able to invite other people to move in after they reach level 3 and you have cleared their second mind room. To invite someone, click on the glowing orb or parchments outside of doors.

Level 0: 
Play the tutorial and you’ll unlock her.

Level 1: 
After clicking on the book in the study, click on the fridge at noon time during Wednesday or Saturday.
Level 2:
-Click on the book in the study.
-Talk to G
-Buy 3 Aphrodisiacs from G
IMPT: Must do this in the morning!
-Talk to Elaine, control her and make her follow you
-Talk to her while she’s following you. (Face her and press “z”)
-Feed her the Aphrodisiac.
-Repeat it during noon and the evening.
-After doing it 3 times in a day, talk to her in her room during the night.

Level 3:
-Click on the book in the study after getting an upgraded controller. (Check notes above)
-Talk to Elaine and get her to your room.
-Once in your room, talk to her and enter her mind.
-Clear the stages and reach the core. (If you are having problems with the stage, please refer to the hints below)
-Talk to Elaine while she’s at home.
Elaine’s first mind room:
-Get 100 exp and enter her mind
-Go to the room on the left side
-Choose the second choice> first choice > first choice
-To get the scene, have Elaine or Lena follow you after completing both of their first rooms and talk to the other while they are at home. (i.e. Get Elaine to follow you and talk to Lena while she’s at home, vice versa)
Elaine’s second mind room:
-Get 200 exp and enter her mind.
-Enter the room on the right side.
-After the scene, choose the option you want.

Elaine’s third mind room:

-Get 300 exp and enter her mind.
-Enter the room on the top right.
-After the scene, choose the option you want. (You will now have the option to enter Elaine’s ending, click on the planning book to view the ending.)

Elaine’s fourth mind room:

-Get 400 exp and enter her mind.
-Enter the room on the top left.
-Clear the maze.
-After completing the maze,you will now have the option to enter the milf ending if Lena is controlled as well! (Click on the planning book to view the ending.)


Elaine’s fifth mind room:

-Get 500 exp and enter her mind.
-Enter the room on the top middle.

-Go to school after the tutorial

Level 0: 
-Have Juice in your inventory.
-Play with Kay and Sarah at noon on a weekday.
-After Kay asks, say yes to the bet.
-Lose the mini game.

Level 1:
-Click on the book in the study.
-Talk to Kay’s mom until you find out where she goes to on Friday
-Talk to Kay until she talks about the topic.
-Meet Kay on Friday morning on the way to the forest.
-The rest should be pretty straight forward.

Level 2:
-Click on the book in the study.
-Talk to Kay when she’s playing with Sarah
-Find Kay in the forest. (Follow the butterflies)
-Talk to her when you find her and that’s it.

-Upgrade your control with G if you haven’t already.
-Get Kay to follow you into your room.
-Talk to her and go into her mind.
-Clear the stage.
-Meet her in her house and talk to her.
Kay’s first mind room:
-Get 100 exp and enter her mind
-Go to the room on the left side
-Choose the second choice> second choice > second choice
-To get the scene, have Kay or Jace follow you after completing both of their first rooms and talk to the other while they are at home. (i.e. Get Kay to follow you and talk to Jace while she’s at home, vice versa)

Kay’s second mind room:
-Get 200 exp and enter her mind.
-Enter the room on the right side.
-After the scene, choose the option you want.

Kay’s third mind room:
-Get 300 exp and enter her mind.
-Enter the room on the top right.
-After the scene, choose the option you want. (You will now have the option to enter Kay’s ending, click on the planning book to view the ending.)

Kay’s fourth mind room:
-Get 400 exp and enter her mind.
-Enter the room on the top left.
-Clear the maze.
-After completing the maze,you will now have the option to enter the teen ending if Jace is controlled as well! (Click on the planning book to view the ending.)


Kay’s fifth mind room:

-Get 500 exp and enter her mind.
-Enter the room on the top middle.

Level 0:
-Have a bottle of juice in your inventory and click on Rika’s door when she’s home.
-Choose to give it to her.
-Get Elaine to level 2.
-Talk to Elaine, while you have a bottle of juice in your inventory.

Level 1:
-Click on the book in the study after Rika has 100 exp.
-Talk to Elaine in her room during night time when they’re both home.

Level 2:
-Click on the book in the study after Rika has 150 exp.
-Talk to Rika in her room anytime before night time while she’s alone. (Dialogue has a 25% chance of triggering)
-Get to the campfire in the minigame.
-Click on the table.
-Talk to Rika.
Level 3:
-Click on the book in the study.
-Upgrade your control with G if you haven’t already.
-Get Rika to follow you into your room.
-Talk to her and go into her mind.
-Clear the stage.
-Meet her in her room at night and talk to her.

Rika’s first mind room:
-Get 100 exp and enter her mind.
-Enter the room on the left side.
-Select the second>second>first option.
– -To get the scene, have Rika or Gwen follow you after completing both of their first rooms and talk to the other while they are at home. (i.e. Get Rika to follow you and talk to Gwen while she’s at home, vice versa)

Rika’s second mind room:
-Get 200 exp and enter her mind.
-Enter the room on the right side.
-After the scene, choose the option you want.

Rika’s third mind room:
-Get 300 exp and enter her mind.
-Enter the room on the top right.
-After the scene, choose the option you want. (You will now have the option to enter Rika’s ending, click on the planning book to view the ending.)

Rika’s fourth mind room:
-Get 400 exp and enter her mind.
-Enter the room on the top left.
-Clear the maze.
-After completing the maze,you will now have the option to enter the class ending if Gwen is controlled as well! (Click on the planning book to view the ending.)


Rika’s fifth mind room:

-Get 500 exp and enter her mind.
-Enter the room on the top middle.

Level 0:
-Talk to Gwen in the morning while she’s in the classroom.
-Chat with Rika in the at noon in her room while Gwen’s not there until she talks about when Gwen comes over. (You need to have Rika controlled)
-On Wednesday morning, click on the bear in Rika’s room.
-Talk to Rika after you clicked on the bear.
Level 1:
-Click on the book in the study to start the quest.
-Talk to Gwen while she’s at her house at noon time.
-Try to collect 9 or more items from harvesting points.
-Talk to Gwen
Level 2:
-Click on the book in the study.
-Talk to the shopkeeper.
-Wait until Gwen is in your house and click on the table on the first floor.
-Talk to Gwen.

Level 3:
-Click on the book in the study.
-Upgrade your control with G if you haven’t already.
-Get Gwen to follow you into your room.
-Talk to her and go into her mind.
-Clear the stage.
-Meet her in her room at night and talk to her.

Gwen’s first mind room:
-Get 100 exp and enter her mind.
-Enter the room on the left side.
-Select the first>second>first option.
– -To get the scene, have Rika or Gwen follow you after completing both of their first rooms and talk to the other while they are at home. (i.e. Get Rika to follow you and talk to Gwen while she’s at home, vice versa)

Gwen’s second mind room:
-Get 200 exp and enter her mind.
-Enter the room on the right side.
-After the scene, choose the option you want.

Gwen’s third mind room:
-Get 300 exp and enter her mind.
-Enter the room on the top right.
-After the scene, choose the option you want. (You will now have the option to enter Gwen’s ending, click on the planning book to view the ending.)

Gwen’s fourth mind room:
-Get 400 exp and enter her mind.
-Enter the room on the top left.
-Clear the maze.
-After completing the maze,you will now have the option to enter the class ending if Rika is controlled as well! (Click on the planning book to view the ending.)


Gwen’s fifth mind room:

-Get 500 exp and enter her mind.
-Enter the room on the top middle.

-Talk to her.
-That’s it.

Level 0:
-Go mess (talk) with one of the cows in the morning five times.
-There should be a message at the third time so that you’ll know which is the right cow.

Level 1:
-Click on the book in the study.
-Find her in the forest during noon. (Mon/Thurs/Sat/Sun)
-Help her catch the cat.
-Talk to her after you catch the cat and the upgrade will be completed.

Level 2:
-Click on the book in the study.
-Buy 3 inhibitors and 3 aphrodisiacs from G.
-Talk to Lena at night for 3 days straight.
-On the 4th day, talk to Lena before nighttime. (She’ll be at home regardless of the time.)
-The quest will be completed after that.

Level 3:
-Click on the book in the study.
-Upgrade your control with G if you haven’t already.
-Get Lena to follow you into your room.
-Talk to her and go into her mind.
-Clear the stage.
-Talk to her before night time.

Lena’s first mind room:
-Get 100 exp and enter her mind
-Go to the room on the left side
-Choose the second choice> first choice > first choice
-To get the scene, have Elaine or Lena follow you after completing both of their first rooms and talk to the other while they are at home. (i.e. Get Elaine to follow you and talk to Lena while she’s at home, vice versa)

Lena’s second mind room:
-Get 200 exp and enter her mind.
-Enter the room on the right side.
-After the scene, choose the option you want.

Lena’s third mind room:
-Get 300 exp and enter her mind.
-Enter the room on the top right.
-After the scene, choose the option you want.
(You will now have the option to enter Lena’s ending, click on the planning book to view the ending.)

Lena’s fourth mind room:

-Get 400 exp and enter her mind.
-Enter the room on the top left.
-Clear the maze.
-After completing the maze,you will now have the option to enter the milf ending if Elaine is controlled as well! (Click on the planning book to view the ending.)


Lena’s fifth mind room:

-Get 500 exp and enter her mind.
-Enter the room on the top middle.


She will appear in class during or after day 14

Level 0:
-Go to class until you have 5 or more knowledge.
-Talk to the teacher at noon time.
-Talk to the mayor in the town hall.
-Talk to Jace and the quest will be completed.
Level 1:
-Click on the book in the study after getting 100exp for Jace.
-(Optional) Talk to Kay in her room during the night if Kay is level 2.
-Talk to Jace while she is in her room.
-Talk to Sarah
-(Optional)If you talked to Kay in her room, find Kay at the behind a tree in the middle right section of the map.
-Find Jace on the top right portion of the map, behind the building.
-Talk to Jace.
-The rest should be straight forward.

Level 2:
-Talk to Jace while she’s in the tent at night.
-Do it for 2 more nights.
-That’s pretty much it.

Level 3:
-Click on the book in the study.
-Upgrade your control with G if you haven’t already.
-Get Jace to follow you into your room.
-Talk to her and go into her mind.
-Clear the stage.
-Meet her in her room at night and talk to her.
Jace’s first mind room:
-Get 100 exp and enter her mind
-Go to the room on the left side
-Choose the first choice> first choice > first choice
-To get the scene, have Kay or Jace follow you after completing both of their first rooms and talk to the other while they are at home. (i.e. Get Kay to follow you and talk to Jace while she’s at home, vice versa)

Jace’s second mind room:
-Get 200 exp and enter her mind.
-Enter the room on the right side.
-After the scene, choose the option you want.

Jace’s third mind room:
-Get 300 exp and enter her mind.
-Enter the room on the top right.
-After the scene, choose the option you want. (You will now have the option to enter Jace’s ending, click on the planning book to view the ending.)

Jace’s fourth mind room:

-Get 400 exp and enter her mind.
-Enter the room on the top left.
-Clear the maze.
-After completing the maze,you will now have the option to enter the teen ending if Kay is controlled as well! (Click on the planning book to view the ending.)


Jace’s fifth mind room:

-Get 500 exp and enter her mind.
-Enter the room on the top middle.

Repeatable scenes.
When you have a follower with you, you can go to:
-The empty classroom
-The school toilet
-The stump in the forest
-The toilet in the shop
-The toilet in the Mayor’s office
to trigger repeatable scenes.

Interactions between the girls:
(These interactions trigger randomly and is determined the moment you wake up.  For example repeatedly going into the school will not refresh your chances to trigger Jace and Rika’s interactions.)
Jace x Rika (Currently 3) – Triggers randomly when you walk into the school.
Kay x Jace (Currently 3) – Triggers when you walk into the classroom.
Lena x Rika (Currently 1)- Trigger it by walking to the glowing spot near the cliff near the cat in the evening.
Kay x Rika (Currently 1)– Triggers randomly when you walk into the school.
Rika x Kat (Currently 1) – Triggers when when you visit Rika in her room in the mansion on Wednesday noon.
Elaine x Jace (Currently 1) – Triggers randomly when in the evening at the mansion kitchen if you have Elaine and Jace in the mansion.
Elaine’s Morning BJ – Triggers randomly when you wake up.
Kay x Gwen morning scene  – Triggers randomly when you wake up.

Public Use
-Ask the Mayor about the tent to start the quest line

Elaine (level 3): The flames for the corridor won’t send you back if you stand still when they touch you.
To use the anal scenes for everyone other than Elaine, get them to wear the anal beads by getting them to follow you and clicking on their wardrobe. After they wear it for a few days, they’ll be loose enough to do activate the scene.

Secret Characters
-Get Rika and Elaine to level 3
-Talk to the man in front of the garden and accept his quest
-Walk to the glowing spot at the edge of the garden every night until Kat appears
-Do it again with bread in your inventory

-When doing Kay’s second mind room, select the option to make her control Lily.
-There will be an event showing something happening in the morning for 3 days.
-On the fourth day, Kay will come over to your house in the morning and start the scene.
-To restart the scene, just talk to Lily when she’s at home.

-The event will randomly trigger when you talk to her at night in the Inn. She will appear to be standing still, just talk to her to watch the event.

-During noon, Erika will be found in the mayor’s office on random days, talk to her and the event will start.
-After that, just talk to her in the inn and you’ll be able to watch all options with her.


-Work in her shop a few times, eventually an event will trigger. Choose to give her the serum and the quest will begin.

Accessing the final GOOD and BAD endings

Turn back if you want to figure this out by yourself!

To unlock and good and bad endings you will need to fulfill a number of conditions:

-Go to the library (2nd floor of the school) and:

1.)Click on the bottom left bookshelf (2nd from the middle)  to find out about the history of the building G is in.

2.)Click on the notes on the table bottom left to find out about the meteorites.

-Click on the papers in G’s bedroom to find out a bit about his past.

-Click on the top left shelf to read notes about the progress of “the subject”, you will need to have gotten all girls to level 4 and complete their final mind rooms to read all notes.

-(For the good ending)Get 20 knowledge and attempt to configure the controller.

-Confront G.

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