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Download game Roundscape Adorevia [v6.7]

IMAGE GAME Roundscape Adorevia [v6.7]

Roundscape Adorevia [v6.7]

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About Game Roundscape Adorevia [v6.7]

Roundscape Adorevia [v6.7] [Arvus Games]


So the game starts out in one of 5 ways of your choice, eventually you end up in a small town and go on a quest to prevent some evil being. You can choose your gender and there are some exclusive scenes for each gender.
The world of Adorevia is one fraught with danger, but also adventure for those brave enough to seek it. Walk the lush forests, see the magnificent dwarven city-states, and help stop a terrible threat that could spell doom to countless innocents as you head out on your quest! Of course, along the way, you’ll find other brave souls willing to share in your adventures, and perhaps, your bed.​

Same Developer: Below Sunshade

Cheat codes
1700 – Super Speed
1819 – Gold
2931 – Skip Combat Skill



  • New Quest
    Join Kara in her final fight against the mysterious demon.
    Features two new CG Scenes. Kara can be found in the Castle Garden.
  • New Path
    A new Storyline has been added for the Farm Origin. This one is highly optional and triggers during Act 3. Features three new CG SCenes.
  • New Encounter
    A new sexy encounter with Meredith being pushed by our Succubus. Features a new CG Scene. Triggers in the Jail after experiencing the Succubus Scene with her summons.
  • New Brothel Scene
    A new brothel Scene exclusive for the Noble Origin. Requires to have at least three hired girls.
  • Valor Gem Rework
    All Faction NPCs in the meeting room now feature a shop. Each NPC offers one Class you can buy.
  • Valor Quests
    Mini Quests you can get after Act 1 from the Meeting Room Map. Each Quest grants three Valor Gems
  • New Class: Samurai
    A heavy-hitting class with a focus on evasion and counter states.
  • New Class: Paragon
    A heroic class with a focus on team buffs. Switch between four passive auras.
  • New Class: Arcanist
    An allrounder magic class. Use all four elements to your advantage.
  • New Class: Reaver
    A dangerous melee class. Take damage to cause massive damage.
  • New Items
    Many new legendary Items have been added to the game
  • Legendary Orbs
    Eight legendary orbs have been added to the game. Their drop chance is pretty low but they grant massive boosts.
  • Visual Improvements
    Small visual improvements have been made to several maps such as the player castle, the desert of Ornesse, and more.

Image Game Roundscape Adorevia [v6.7]


Other Information Game Roundscape Adorevia [v6.7]





Video Game Roundscape Adorevia [v6.7]

There are currently no YouTube videos for this game.

Link Download Game Roundscape Adorevia [v6.7]

WindowsOS: Windows
Version: 6.7
LinuxOS: Linux
Version: 6.7

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