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Download game Unaware in the City [v33a EX] [APK]

IMAGE GAME Unaware in the City [v33a EX] [APK]

Unaware in the City [v33a EX] [APK]

Icon thông tin Details GameUnaware in the City [v33a EX] [APK]

  • Tác giả Developer: Unaware Team
  • Phiên bản Version: 33a EX
  • Hệ điều hành Operating system: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android

About Game Unaware in the City [v33a EX] [APK]

Unaware of the World [v33a EX] [Unaware Team]


Main character is an innocent, beautiful 21 years old girl who left her family house in a small village and moved to the big city in order to start her new, adult life. Totally unaware of the big world and with no experience with an opposite sex, she will have to find a way to pay the bills to keep her new flat. She will struggle and try to overcome the dangers of the daily life (in her work, on the streets, and even in her house), and it’s up to the player which path she will choose and how low she will fall.​

Change Log


It’s a pre-update of v31, so it consists of some stuff designed and meant for v31, because I was either too lazy to remove them or too afraid of causing bugs in the final release. Anyway, enjoy!

A few quality of life changes.
Some overall UI tweaks, including character creation menu.
Updated art of cum effects.
Added new option – Preload Dialogues. If enabled, it will preload all dialogue data during character creation. If disabled, it will load them only on their first occurence, causing an initial lag upon interaction with the world.
Renamed Guide to Glossary and updated it.
Some overall event cleaning and tweaks to triggering events.
Event Sheet now shows the chance of triggering an event modified by backstory, and won’t show events for different backstories.
Jane can find her flatmates and talk to them in their rooms now.
If a flatmate leaves a home during an event, his home events will be locked for a day.
Added quick save/load buttons to the menu panel. This change enables quick save/load on Android.
Adjusted pricing of all clothes and body customization options.
Small tweaks to choices in the phone.

Multiple bug fixes.
Fixed cum meter.
Fixed search button in the glossary window.
Fixed panties being removed together with pants.
Fixed clothes icons on Android.

There are many animations that look wrong, especially with panties/skirts on. It’s because those are very old animations that were “forced” to work with the new art. The only way to fix them is re-making them from scratch, and that’s really time consuming, so will take a longer while.
NPCs’ clothes sometimes might not fully load. It’s a side effect of multiple optimization options to make the game playable on weaker devices.


Image Game Unaware in the City [v33a EX] [APK]


Other Information Game Unaware in the City [v33a EX] [APK]





Video Game Unaware in the City [v33a EX] [APK]

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Link Download Game Unaware in the City [v33a EX] [APK]

WindowsOS: Windows
Version: 33a EX
Version: 33a EX
AndroidOS: Android
Version: 33a EX
LinuxOS: Linux
Version: 33a EX

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