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Wayfared Guide

Wayfared Guide

Wayfared Guide – Walkthrough 0.14

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O.14 Content

The plot must go on:
If you have searched the church bookshelves then heres what to do from there. Head outside and go right until you reach the tent building. Inside speak to the buff nun and they will tell you no one is allowed to pass through at the moment. Now head back to the church and speak to the catfolk nun. Doing so will trigger a small scene. Once that finishes leave the room. You will automatically come back in and see a continuation of that scene. The catfolk will join your party temporarily to escort you through the tunnels. If you did any of this out of order it should still work just make sure you talk to both nuns. Once the catfolk nun is in your party go back to the tunnel entrance and speak to the nun. They will let you pass through. From here you need to walk forward, where you will meet new enemies, Shrooms. They're being cut down by a mysterious figure. Once they're gone continue moving upward. There are two more nuns here who will ask you to help them deal with the problem plaguing the tunnels. The catfolk nun wants to help so you will continue walking north until you reach a wall, then go left until you find a nun by a doorway. Go through and you will find a giant spider woman. Once you approach her you will need to do two battles so be ready. After you defeat the spider woman you will be tasked to explore the room finding a spider girl being attacked by shrooms. Go help her and recieve a reward if you want. Once you do that you should approach the giant spider woman and speak to her once more. After this head out of this area and back into the tunnels. The way that was blocked before should be open. Walk to the right until you see a door to a room. Inside here you will find a dwarf woman behind a counter. Speak to her and choose honesty or lie, either way you'll get your information. Finally you will recieve a small dialogue from the catfolk nun as she joins the party properly. Thats it for story content for now.

Feline Favour:
In Nueve in the church you can find an older catfolk nun. If you've defeated the giant salamander in the cave just outside of town speaking to her will trigger an event to occur. She will try her best to heal you. After she does leave the room and suffer a pretty bad headache. Return to find her in a precocious situation. She will attempt to heal you again, this time with better luck. 

Nun interrupted:
For this you need to continue the mainquest up to the point thats available right now. After youve done everything you have to in the underground tunnels head back to the church. Upstairs where the catfolk nun once was you will find the young priestess. Speak with her and recieve a mutually beneficial reward if you so desire.

Spider Rider:
Once you've entered the Nueve underground tunnels you will see a person slay mushrooms. Continue heading upwards and you will come accross some buff nuns blocking the way to the next town. They can't open the path until the issue of the tunnels is solved. Once you agree to help them one will move and you can travel up and to the left finding a door way into a different area. Inside here you will be forced to fight down some mushrooms and a large spider mob. The spider mob can be tough if you're lower level but otherwise should be fine. Once you defeat her you will be tasked to search the area. To the south is a spider girl being surrounded by mushrooms. Make quick work of them and be rewarded by a grateful monster girl.

0.13 Content
Daras Potion, continued:
Upon entering through the gateway to Nueve Dara will inquire about brewing a new potion. The first ingredient is a verdant agate, which you will find in the cave just outside of Nueve. In the inner most part of the cave you will find a protruding rock that has green ore on it. Take that ore and you're a third the way there. The second ingredient is get sandslime reserves. If you head back into the desert outside the town you'll find the slimes here. Defeat them till you have atleast four drops. The final ingredient can only be obtained by the shady merchant in the town plaza. Head into town and speak to the merchant most southeast of the market. If you have fifty gold he will sell you the remaining ingredient. If you are lacking that coin, consider grinding more slimes for their drops to sell. Once you've got all three ingredients head into the Nueve Church and click on one of the tables. From here you will gain the potion aswell as some gold. To celebrate you'll find yourself inside the tavern. Speak to some happy cutomers if you wish but to advance time you need to pay your bill to the bartender then return to Dara. Say yes to putting Dara to bed and you'll find yourself in a situation with one horny drunk elf. After a small amount of hand action you can either continue or stop there. 

Maybe you should knock:
In Nueve there's a small scene you can walk into. Inside the house with a basement, if you head inside you then down the ladder you will stumble into two people having sex. Seems you aren't the only one getting some action.

0.12 Content
Missing Necklace:
By the tent in the Meadowcrest Woods is a catfolk who has lost his keepsake necklace. The cabin just slightly north of him now has a ladder inside it. Click on the ladder and head down into the ice caves. Inside here you will be forced to encounter some cave dwellers. Once you pass them and head into the bas infested area to the south east you will find a bat hoovering over a crate. Scare him away and check the crate. The necklace will be in there. Once you return it the catfolk will rather thankful. 

Sandy Town:
Once Dara has ben aqquired as a companion the south western path will be opened. From here you will head into the desert and find three women being attacked by wolves. You will need to aid them since Dara isn't the kind of person to let people just die. Once you help them speak to the middle girl and she will mention going back to their town. Nueve is now open. at the moment its pretty bare bones. But you can talk to people and get a feeling for what may come. The other decision to make is to head into the cave just north of where you fought the wolves. Inside you will find a few stray wolves and a missing guard. Keep following the path and you walk into a beast woman fighting a giant salamander. Here a quake will have the player hit his head, and see some slight dazed visions. After this just defeat the beast and be on your way.

Note- Apologies for the lack of sex this update. Things didn't go as planned. But now that I have this much game world built the next update is gonna focus less on expansion and just refining. The plan is to add more scenes.

0.11 Content
Fort Soak Scene:
To the north east of the Braithfare Town you will find a For being drenched by rain. In a door to the right of the fort you will find a gruff older woman. She's going to ask you for help locating an escaped prisoner before she is willing to open the pathway. You can ask around to try and gather clues and put the case together. Or you can go into the main building and head upstairs. In one of the beds is a key. Once you have this key you can head down stairs and the the jail cells and speak to the guard standing still. Once you show him the key he'll let you investigate the cell. On the wall is a pretty blatant crack that leads into a cave. Follow this cave and you will pass the missing guards body and find a cavern with orcs and a mimic. Fight the orcs and the commander will thank you before sending you out of the cave. From here return to the room to the right of the fort and check the desk. You will speak to the commander who will finally invite you to meet her in the main building upstairs in her quarters. Meet her in there and agree to keep her company.

Cave Dwellers Scene: 
In the Meadowcrest Woods north of the tent you will find a cabin. Inside there is now a ladder. Head down it and find yourself inside a icey cavern. In the south passageway you will be met by two cave dwellers being swarmed by bats. Once you speak to them they will ask you to kill an alpha frost bat. It can be found inside the south cavern to the lower west of the passage ways. Once youve killed it, return to the duo and claim your reward.

0.1 Content
If you decide to play the prologue it's pretty straight forward. Once you wake up you'll be asked to get a letter. Head to the center most building surrounded by trees . Inside a tiefling woman will greet you. Regardless your response she will head upstairs. Peek on her. Once she comes down you will recieve the letter. Head back outside to find Maddy working in the field. She will ask you to finish for her. In the demo you only need to collect one of the crops before heading inside but you can collect them all. At this point head inside your home and speak to her again. A small conversation will happen before you head outside to play. To play head to the southeast of the island and find the other kids. CLick on the unlit campfire to progress. Once it's dark you will be called home and recieve some bad news. Time skip. Once you wake up there is a small dagger on the bed. Don't forget to grab it. There are a few items you can get by speaking to villagers. As well in Maddy's house you can grab a piece of bread. The only person you have to speak to before leaving the island is Maddy. Once you do the Captain will let you onboard. A small event plays then you are suddenly on the ship. Head outside and speak to the captain. He will ask what you see. Your choice does not matter, but you will see a small scene. At this point you'll be told to head inside and get some sleep. Once inside you can click the chest below your bed and recieve an item. Once you click to sleep the prologue is over.

To get the Orc Companion:
At the north of Braithfare there is a cave you can enter if you have a weapon. Once inside you'l pass an empty chamber and find the orc wandering around. To have her join you will need to enter the woods south of Braithfare. When you are there enter the cabin thats closest to a tent. Inside is a letter. Grab it and return to the Orc. She will now join you.

To get the Elf Companion: 
Once you are off the ship you will have to enter the building next to the dock. Inside either speak to the man about jobs or that youre looking for someone and he will tell you deliver a mushroom. The mushroom is outside in the area you just left. Take that and leave the town by the eastern exit. Once you see a sign post, head south and continue south through the woods full of slimes. Here you will find the elf. Once he has been given the mushrooms he will join you.

Main Plot: 
As of now the main plot is brief. Once off the ship, head inside the building next to the docks. Speak to the man behind the table and once you have 4 options. Tell him you are looking for someone. Once he asks you to deliver the mushrooms do so. Exit the building and head east to tedge of the village and leave. Here you should see a fork in the road and a sign. Take the southern path and keep going south through the slime filled woods. Once you get a short scene featuring the elf speak to him again and he should join you. At this point head back to the building by the dock and speak to the man once more. He should reveal what he knows. Both pathways are blocked at the moment. That's as far as this plot thread has reached in this demo.

Daras Potion:
To do this you have to grind some slimes. Luckily they're weak and respawn when you leave the area. In the woods above the lake the elf was residing in fight slimes until they drop three cores. For mana jelly you're going to need a bottle. At the moment there are two ways to aquire one. If the orc is in your party you can receive one in the small shack at the south of town. A passed out drunk has one on the floor that can be taken. Besides that in the Adventuring guild there is one upstairs. That is the two doored building towards the nortwest of town. When you have an empty bottle head to the woods south of Braithfare. In the cabin to the south closest to the tent you will find a big urn filled with pink goo. You should be able to harvest it. Assuming you've both gotten the slime cores and the bottle of mana jelly all that's left is Dara. If he is in your party a trigger should tell you to head back to the lake. If you did this out of order. You need to take the mushrooms by the dock to him. Either speak to him and he will ask you to bring them. Or speak to the man in the dock building about jobs or that you're looking for someone. These should allow you to pick up the mushrooms and bring them to Dara. At this point you need to click on the stump by the lake. You will recieve a small scene.

Moans from Well:
Multiple characters should mention that there have been some moans heard from the old town well. To investigate it you need to leave Braithfare by the east exit. Once here head to the south path until you are in the slime woods. From here head south some but then turn west. A trigger should play if you are on the right path. Keep moving that way and you should enter into a small cubbied area with a well. Head inside and you will find a hole in the wall. Move through it and you'll be met by a sealed ruins. Inside here you will need to fight some mimics. Do so and you will be met by some ghosts, one of which should trigger a small scene. Once youve fought all the mimics head back to the skeleton near the entrance and it will send you into some other realm. In here you if you follow the same path to the female ghost you will find her living version. Speaking to her will activate a small scene. When you want to leave this realm you need to try to move to that big stone shape across that small bridge. The guard will stop you, once you've spoken to him return to the girl who summoned you. She will give you an item that will let you pass. Now you can move past him and the old man will speak to you. Once thats done click the stone to return to reality. Here a boss fight will be waiting. It shouldn't be too hard if you aren't alone. That's as far at this plot thread has reached in this demo.

Have a Drink:
There are multiple ways to get alchohol. If you play the prologue you can find some on the ship by the bed you sleep in. If not you can purchase some for five gold in the bar in town. If you have any beer or have five gold speak to the woman at the top table in the bar. Give her some booze. hopefully enjoy the scene.

Flower Collecter:
In the woods south of Braithfare you can find a girl by a cart of flowers west of the river bridge. Speak to her and she will offer a reward for the collection of special flowers. The yellow flowers can be obtained on this map. The rest are slightly hidden away. Close to the Braithfare town entrance if you look at the eastern foliage before you enter the town you should see a small gap. Enter it and you will find another flower. At the end of this you will find an alcove and the remaing flowers. Return to the flower girl for your reward.

Slime Finder:
Just south of Braithfare there is a small gap in the easter tree wall. Enter it and you'll be met by passive slimes. Continue in and you will find a hooded figure. Speak to them and they will ask you to find their pet slime. Head back into Braithfare then take the eastern path out of town. Once you see the signpost head to that south path until you enter the woods with hostile slimes. Continue south until you are at the small lake. Here you will find a slime who is passive. Speak to it then return to the Hooded figure. They'll give you 10 gold.

Slime Grinder:
If you kill ten slimes, you can recieve some gold from the adventurers guild captain. Speak to him if you've killed ten or more. He can be found in the building with multiple doors towards the northwest of Braithfare.

Seared Fragments:
You can obtain two as of now. For what purpose? Find out in a future update. One is in the cabin closest to the tent. Click on the sealed jar to recieve it. The other is in the ruins in the well. One of the chests in the ruin is merely a chest.
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