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World After War Guide

World After War Guide

World After War Guide – How to Cheat


Important: If you remove any line of code, or remove a <, or set a letter in the number value it will cause an error when the game tries to check the saved files, and you will be unable to load any save, make a back up of you saved files before trying to use this steps.

How to cheat:

You can change the number of resources that you have in the shelter.

1 – Collect resources in one of the warehouses.
2 – then return to shelter and deposit all stuff.
3 – get inside shelter, save and close the game.
4 – open the database.xml with a Wordpad.
5 – At the end of the text or using the search of the Wordpad check for the iron plate, scrap plastic, scrap iron or any collect resources that you have in the shelter.
6 – change the value of <itemQuant>6</itemQuant> the number inside to any value like 9999, like this <itemQuant>9999</itemQuant>
7 – Now you can easily upgrade/build any researched build.

You can change the moral to a high number and never have a game over.

1 – open the database.xml with a Wordpad.
2 – Using the search of the Wordpad check for <basePrimeResourcesName>Moral</basePrimeResourcesName> then, right below the line <basePrimeResourcesStock>50</basePrimeResourcesStock> you can change the value of the 50 for any high value.

You can change the Data to a high number and be able to do all the researches on the game.

1 – open the database.xml with a Wordpad.
2 – Using the search of the Wordpad check for <dataAmount>500</dataAmount> then, you can change the value of the 500 for any high value, the value like <dataAmount>696969</dataAmount>
Just research/build, replicator tier 1, water pump, water purifier and greenhouse, don’t waste time researching anything else, ONLY go to warehouses don’t go to houses.

It’s really important to shelter be clean 80% to 100% give you +4 morale every day.

1 day as leader: go to 2 warehouses to get resources, assign to research water purifier and greenhouse and let Ai researching. Set in Rules menu 8 foods for each survivors and 80 water, you have a lot of resources in the start and you get more morale.

2 day as leader: go to 2 warehouses again, check if you can build a replicator, water purifier or greenhouse and let Ai build/reseach.
shelter need some clean to let Ai clean the shelter for 3hs-5hs.

3 day as leader: Ai and Mc need some hours resting to get some happy, 80% is enough, Don’t leave shelter this day, Assign Mc to rest and help to clean the shelter, set in Rules Menu 4 foods and 40 water or soon you will get low on food/water.

4 day as leader: go to 2 warehouses again, check if you can build a water purifier, greenhouse. research/build water pump,greenhouse or water purifier and let Ai researching/building, assign some hours to clean the shelter and when mc return, let he help to clean.

5 day as leader: go to 1-2 warehouses again, assign Mc to help to clean/build or research., research/build water pump,greenhouse or water purifier. keep shelter 80% clean or more and survivors 80% happy or more.

Day 6 and 7: to the same steps.

Day 8: now you have Mary to help, research,building and cleaning is faster. Mary is 100% happy so just let her clean/build.

World After War Guide

Day 9 and i have 89 moral doing the steps.
i could build replicator,greenhouse,water purifier and water pump, resources in POIs are random, sometimes you get more/less.
Don’t forget to decrease the food/water in Rules, if you set a amount that you shelter don’t have nobody will eat/have bath and you will lose morale.

Spawn a step van in your squad.

In Database.xml:
If you have no vehicles in the squad the line of the code will be written like this:<vehicles />Then you replace with this:<vehicles>
<vehicleName>Step Van</vehicleName>

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