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Yorna: Monster Girl’s Secret Guide

Yorna: Monster Girl’s Secret Guide

Yorna: Monster Girl’s Secret Guide + Walkthrough 1.2.5


This will be my third playthrough, so there may be a few things I may miss. I have only gotten 91%, so there are a few things I am missing.
This will show the sequence through the different towns and dungeons.

I have a different file for the weapon, armor and accessories stats. (though, I may combine the 2 later)

An obelisk is discovered with an unknown, currently dormant power.
You arrive after the attack,

Talking with Arthur, you get your first few quests:
Get Mothercare, a plant that grown in the forest south of the castle.
Ask Baron Sebastian for help.
Ask around town about the attackers.
Be sure to talk to the map seller in the courtyard, you will get a free shovel. It's needed to dig up the treasures which can help with money
and items.

* In town:
  behind a tree by potion shop: chest: Weak Healing Potion.
- Smith:Simple Earrings, Good Luck Charm, Focus Ring, Golden Bracelet Broom, Stone Hammer, Initiate's Staff
- Restaurant: Red apple, Sausages, Chocolate Cookie, Parfait, Croissant, Cake.
- Nun: give Talisman. (After you visit the church)
- Dress maker Diana: Nothing at first. Needs materials from Sebastian, the baron. 
- Weapon Store: Common Spear, Shortsword.

* Baron's place: 
Offers a job, get 100 gp and a dress at Diana's place. You'll need 500 gp and 8 flax (found in the forest) to make it. 

* Nymph's Forest: 
Sex XP: Vaginal, Blowjob
Mat: Stone, Woon, Green, Red
Map: West
Forest Spirit:  8 HP,  8 Xp, 18 GP
At level 4, these are pushovers...
Leary(Fairy): 100 HP, 40 Xp, 250 GP (Fairy Dress)

Find Mothercare, will need to fight the fairy to get it.
Check all glowing spots for materials.
You can heal up at the statues, though you get scenes and a free recharge as well by losing.
- North: there is a 3 crystal puzzle: turn on/off the crystals to open hidden treasures.
000: x
100: x
010: x
110: Tree: East: 300gp, Simple Ring (+1 Atk)
001: Gate here:Chest: 50GP, small heal
101: Chest: East: 150GP, small heal
011: Tree here: 200GP, 2 Iron
111: X
Map: East: Common Spear, better than your walking staff.
Time to fight Leary... (I did it with a spear, maid dress and simple ring @ 5th level... A few heals but I won.)
At 50%, Leary cast's heal, but only once. Get the fairy dress and the Mothercare!
Return Mothercare to Arthur. Get a Thoughtnet circle (Broken, but entertaining...)

Beat up a few Forrest Spirits then return to town and get the maid's dress, and visit Baron's place to see what his "job" involves...

* Sand Cave:
Sex XP: Anal
Mat: Stone, Iron, Green, Red 
Map: North
Ogre: 24 HP,  20 XP,  60 GP
Tougher than the Forest Spirits but give more XP.
Gabriella: 120 HP, 625 XP, 750 Gp (Shaman Garb)
(I used Rapier, Grey uniform, Simple ring, Level: 8)

First castle upgrade (the rebuild)
Visit your room, rest, get boxed meal and Chap the parrot.
Workshop: Plant garden, Luxurious Ada's room.
- upgrade firepuff to fireblast via a bookcase inside Luxurious Ada's room.
- plant red herbs, blue herbs (Once you find some)
In the garden: find Leary: Improve health (+7 HP) or luck (+3)

* Desert:
Sex XP: Vaginal 
Mat: Stone, Iron, Red, Gold  
Map: East
Fire Crystal
Gnoll:    28 HP,  35 XP,  90 GP
Calista: 180 HP, 500 XP, 975 GP (Mirage dress)
Taken down with Shortsword, Shaman Garb, Golden Bracelet, level 12
Past the first puzzle and down the cliffs in the bridge-lie section is the fire crystal. You'll need it later for Ayane the fox.
The second puzzle: Order doesn's mater, just step on the 6 tiles.
01 20
03 40

00 00
50 06

Red chest:
Blue chest: Glowing blade
* Back in town: By now, Mage-Errant, Prophet's Garb and Formal Wear have been added at the dress shop.

* Desert town:
Potion shop: Small, Med. Adv. Alchemy: 1000 (add Med. potions to crafting table)
Traider: Different crafting materials including feathers.
Smith: Focus Ring, Golden Bracelet, Zephyr Earrings, Initiate's Staff, Equalizer, Gilded Scepter, Saber
Reforge broken blade: Available after gathering all 3 parts from the puzzles.
Nun: Give her Octa's charm after getting nun's quest.
Sand Temple:Talk with the oracle, go to the Pine Woods. Later he will sell Herbal Tea which lowers Ada's lewd level.  

* Pine Woods:
Sex XP: Vaginal, Submission
Mat: Wood, Flax, Blue
Map: West:
Tiger Girl:        36 HP,  35 XP, 90 GP.
Feur Flower:      115 HP, 312 XP, 150 GP, Sleep Poison. Needed for vagabond's quest.
Ayana: (Kitsune): 200 HP, 500 XP,  1 GP, a cookie.
Win fight with Ayane, get teleported to Lady Serena.
Ayane will visit you in your Lab after rebuilding it in the castle.
West: 4 gate puzzle: Blue chest: last part to the Cracked Blade, Smith in Desert town can re-forge it, then build the Lab to finish it.
(This step will enable "Finish Restoration" upgrade in the castle with the Lab)

* Lumberjack town:
Fix bridge for a shortcut to your castle: 250 gp
Nun: Give her Octa's charm after getting nun's quest.
Treasure Map: just south of the crates: 9 pelts, 300 GP.

Back to the church: finished the talisman quest after giving 3 charms to nuns: 5 Med MP potions
Q2: Get 10 fell extract from areas near demons. Will be available later in the game.

* Vagabond Camp:
Q1: Find Fuer Flower in Pine forest.
(West, where the 4 gate puzzle is.)
-Give Sleep Poison, Get Old Map.
Q2: Cure old horse.

* Return to your castle:
Goto workshop, solve " box problem",
Your room: Monster girl meeting...
Kitchen: Leary and Gabby drinking together.
Lab: Reforged blade can be made into:
Physical strength: Talon:     +8, +8, +4, +4
Magic power: Spellblade:      +4, +4, +8, +8 
Balanced Approach: Companion: +5, +4, +5, +4
You can save and try all 3 options but they all are good.
Gabby practice session: Physical (+1 Atk) or Magical (+1 M.Atk)
Ada's room: Ayane wants "personal time".

* Town:
Dress shop: Prophet's Garb and Shade are now available.
Potion maker: Get deadroot fro a cave North from Gabby's caves to made stronk lust draft. It increases Ada's lewd level.

(Visit the Baron anytime for GP, sexual training, and if lucky, "gifts")

Desert Hideout: (cave)
Skeletons: 40 HP, 30 XP, 75 GP
North: letter, unknown language
- Deadroot, a local alchemist may be interested in this. (Town)
Nothing else here... for now.

* Ayane's temple in the Pine Forest:
Q1: Fire essence: in the Desert, climb down vines at the bridge-like section. (Should already have by now).
You can now control fire... Get back to Sand caves for the chest behind the fire. (Enhanced Mantle:+1, +1, +1, +1, +20 HP. +2 MP)
Q2: Air essence: Ice peaks.

* Ice Peaks:
Sex XP: Vaginal, Submission
Mat: Green, Wood, Stone, Iron, Gold
Air Crystal
Map: North: Priest Garb
Moth: 50 HP, 45 XP, 105 GP
Idris:(raiju) 210 HP, 500 XP, 750 GP (Air crystal)
Puzzle room: Simple, just answer the riddles. No restrictions on how many times you can try.
Red chest 1: 1000 GP
Red chest 2: 300 GP, potions

* Ayane's Temple:
Q2: Air crystal, done: You can now breath underwater.
- Return to the castle, check on the girls.
Lab ready to enchant weapons and charms but you need crystals first from the water realm under Mortimer's tower in the snowy region.
Q3: Get water essence.

* Tower->water realm:
Map: Puzzle
Water Crystal
Nereid:            60 HP,  45 XP,  105 GP.
Sally (Succubus): 240 HP, 625 XP, 1500 GP, 1 Magic essence (Temptress)
Lvl 18, with berserker's blade, Formal Wear and Bull's ring
Orb Puzzle: Purple, Yellow, Grey (blank)
Red chest: 500 GP, potions
Brown: (From boss room(Chest: Scepter of Power)

Enhance your equipment with the crystals.

* Vagabond camp:
They have something in the wagon...
Time to talk to the Baron.

* Baron's place:
Jinko Maid, Holly on the second floor of the mansion. Talk with monster girl maid behind the piano.

* Ayane's Temple:
Q3: done, got water crystal,
Q4: Get Earth crystal from Vulcanic Depths.

* Volcanic Depths:
Map: West: 4 mithril Ore, pelts.
Earth Crystal
Minotaur: 70 HP,  85 XP,  142 GP
Agni:    240 HP, 500 XP, 1500 GP, Magic Essence (Earth Crystal)
Lvl 19, with berserker's blade, Formal Wear, and Bull's ring
Puzzle: 2 steps...
Step 1: remember all the grey blocks at the start,
1) step on all the grey blocks you memorized, order does not matter.
Step 2: remember all the new grey blocks,
2) step on all the grey blocks you memorized, order does not matter.
Blue chest: 2500 GP, 20 crystals.
Green chest: Stoneheart
Red chest: 1500 GP, stuff, 2 cakes.

* Ayane's Temple:
Q4: Done, ready to enter the Demon Lair and rescue Serena.

Demon Lair:
Tentacle girl:  60 HP, 100 XP,  127 GP
Serena:        300 HP, 500 XP, 1500 GP (Maneater)
Fell Extract
West: puzzle: The bookcase to the west holds clues...
(In order, top to bottom)
Opens both doors.
Green chest: Cultist Lair Map: (east): Ancient tome about alchemy with more stuff to craft!
Red chest: 1500 GP, potions.
East: Portal to Serena:
Top: other portals go nowhere. (Oh, well)
Rescue Serena, get Maneater outfit, auto-jump to the castle.

* Castle:
Workshop: Add Castle Lounge
Your room: Ayane wants a "break"
Lounge: Small scene with Mio here.
- Equipment Merchant: Gilded Scepter, Saber, Stoneheart, Golden Bracelet, Zephyr Earrings.
- Trader Tann: The same stuff you can buy from the desert market.
- Trader Johan: play cards.
- Alchemist Albus: Weak and med potions.
Lab: Serena: Check Mortimer's Tower for teleport residue
- Problem with vagabonds. Get down to the lab, assemble a team and auto jump to camp.

* Vagabond camp:  
Auto scene

* Church:
Q2: done, Give 10 Fell Extract, Find out why they need it...
Q3: Pure Monster girl Essence: Use crystal (you can get more in the underwater realm) on Leary in castle garden or Gabby in the lab, 
Done: Visit Master Ryan: receive Octa charm and peek inside confessional booths:

* Mortimer's Tower:
check blocked stairs up for the new portal.
Map: puzzle
Night Gaunt: 80 HP, 125 XP, 165 GP
Desona: 350 HP, 500 XP, Magic Essence
- She gets away but a floating island appears.
- Puzzle room: Answer riddles answering wrong will reset the sequence. Answers are pretty easy.
Blue Portal: 2 chests: GP, potions: Map location.
Yellow Portal: chest: Redeemer:

* Ayane's Temple:
Find pandas, they have magic seeds in the forest zone North from the Pine forest.

* Town:
Dressmaker: Astrum, Kimono and Wild Lotus added.

* Castle:
- Garden: scene: Mio & Calista.

* Grotto:
Sex XP: Vaginal, Submission
Mat: Stone, Flax, Green Herbs
Map: (West): 2 Mithril, 2 magic essence, Bo
Panda girl: 80 HP, 150 XP, 195 GP
Lizzy (bee girl): 270 HP, 625 XP, 375 GP, Seeds
Red chest: 100GP, potions
Green chest: Pandarian scroll: (West)

* Town:
Dressmaker: Pandarian Garb added

* Ayane's Temple:
With the seeds: 
Auto jump to world map.
Go to floating island and climb the roots.

* Floating Ruins:
Gargoyle:  90 HP,  150 Xp, 195 GP
Felicia:  300 HP, 1000 XP, 750 GP
Desona gets away again, this time to Rivendale
Map: (Entrance): 2 Mithril, 2 essence(?)
Pipes: 12435 from left to right, touch the gate.
Blue: Ancient Map
Red: 1000 gp, Potions
Red: 1000 gp, Potions
Green: Crystallized Mana: (lab):
-  Physical Str.: Gem of Rage: +5, +5, +0, +1
-  Magic Power: Gem of Wisdom: +0, +1, +5, +5, +25 MP, MP regen.
-  Flexibility: Gem of Spirit: +2, +2, +2, +2, +10 evade, HP and MP regen.

* Ayane's Temple:
Yorna possessed Desona.

* Cultist Hideout (reachable through the cave with skeletons):
Dark Matter: 110 HP,  180 XP, 225 GP
Doppler: 350 HP, 1000 XP, 750 GP. Defeat to stop the lust magic.
Puzzle: Memory match:
-Green: 3000 gp, potions
-Blue: Half faded map
-Red: 2000 gp, potions
* Ayane's temple:
Follow Desona in the floating island by getting to the place where you fought with Cheschire.
* Rivendale:
Titania: 100 HP,  180 XP,  225 GP.
Yorna:   920 HP, 2500 XP, 3000 GP, Mithril, Magic Essence.

* Castle:
Ada's room:
Ayane offered training at her temple. +2 M.Atk, +2 M.Def, +5 MP.

Ending: 1
Slut: 5 or less
Met Mirena, (Good ending? The obelisks show 1/4 red...)

Slut: Less than 15 and more than 5
Met Mirena, (Good ending? The obelisks show 1/4 red...)

Slut:15 or more
Obelisks show 100% red.

Nymph's Forest:  100 (West)- 250gp, "stuff", Spear
Sand Caves:      150 (North)- Initiate's Staff, +6 Atk, +1 Mag.Atk, +1 Mag.Def
Desert:          200 (East) - Stuff.
Pine forest:     250 (West)- Stuff
Ice Peaks:       300 (North)- Priest Garb, stuff
Crystal Caves:   350 (Puzzle) - Regal
Village:         100 - 8 pelt, 1000 GP(?) (Lumberjack town.)
Volcanic Depths: 400 (West)- 4 mithril,...
Old map (Mortimer's tower-puzzle)- stuff
? (Deamon Lair-East) - Advanced Alchemy(?)
Pandarian scroll: (West): Bo.
Ancient Map:
Half faded map:(Hall): Mithril, Magic Essence

Ada'a room:     750- Find notes, Firepuff-> Fireblast
Plant Garden:  1000- 
-- Red herbs:  1000
-- Blue herbs: 1000
Finish:        1000- Add Laboratory (New dresses)
Lounge:         500-

(+1) means I don't have true values yet
Weapons:            Buy, sell, Atk, Def, M.A, M.D, Bonuses
Walking Staff:        0,    0, +2, +0, +0, +0
Broom:              200,       +3
Spear:             1000,  500, +4,
Shortsword:        2500, 1250, +8, +1, 0, 0
Stone Hammer:       800,  450, +7  
Initiate's Staff:  2000, 1000, +6, +0, +1, +1 
Enchanted Rapier: (Chest)1000, +7, +3, +0, +0 
+ Needle:          2000,       +9, +5, +2, +2, +15 Hit, +15 crit.
Equalizer:         2000,    ?, +4, +3, +4, +3 
Gilded Scepter:    2500,    ?, +7, +1, +3, +1
Reforged blade: can become Talon (Physical), Spellblade(Magic), (Balanced)
Talon:           (Make),    ?, +8, +8, +4, +4
+ Fang:                       +10, +10, +5, +5, +15 Hit, +20% cause bleeding 
++ Bloodthirster:  5000,      +15, +15, +5, +5 
Spellblade: (Reforg)           +4, +4, +8, +8 
Spellsword:                                  , +7 hit, mp regen.
++ Edge of Wisdom:                           , +15 hit, MP regen.
Companion: (Reforg),           +5, +4, +5, +4
+ Comrade: (Companion),        +7, +5, +7, +5, +10 hit, +10 Evasion
++ Mate: (Comrade)             +9, +7, +9, +7, +20 hit, +15 evade
Sabre:             2500,       +9, +3, +0, +0
+ Berserker's blade: 2000, 500, +15, -5, +0,-5 (2 swings) -10 MP
Stoneheart:        5000,       +8, +3, +8, +3
+ Yggdrasil's branch:    1500, +8, +5, +9, +5
Scepter of power(Chest), 1000, +3, +2, +10, +6
+ Il'Ha Scepter:         1500, +5, +6, +12, +10
Redeemer:(chest)          500, +7, +6, +8, +5, +5 MP
Bo: (Panda map),               +8, +8, +5, +5, Accuracy +5, Evasion +5, Crit +5, Speed +100
+ Heaven's pillar:       1500, +12, +8, +6, +6, Acc, Evas, Crit: +10%, Speed +300

(Note: some dresses you buy/make, some are from defeted monster girls.)
Grey Uniform:(Fire Enchantment) +1 Def, +4 Mag.Def, +25% Exp.
Maid Dress:  (Cleanse) 500, ?,  -1 Atk, -1 Def, Gold +50%
Fairy Dress: (Heal)             -1 Atk, -1 Def, +2 Mag.Atk, +5 Mag.Def, +100% heal
Shaman Garb: (Enrage) Slut>3,   +3 Atk, +3 Def, -2 Mag.Atk, -2 Mag.Def, Damage +25%
Mage-Errant: (Force Wave),500,   +0, +3, +4, +5, +20MP
Prophet's Garb: (Mend), 1000,    +1, +4, +3, +8 
Shade: (Sneak) (Slut>10), 1500   +4, +1, +2, +5, Increase combat action speed
Formal Wear: (Seal Away), 1000,   Crit chance +10%
Priest: (Clarity),(Slut<6),     +3 Def, +4 M.A, +4 M.D Resist silencs and confusion effects
Astrum: (Meditation)(Slut:10): 1500, +0, +2, +8, +2, MP regen.
Regal: (Crysyal cave) (Slut<6)(Splendor) +2 Atk, +4 Def, +4 M.A, +2 M.D
Maneater: (Lust bolt):          +1 Atk, +1 Def, +8 M.A, +1 M.D Increase lewd damage by 25%
Kimono: (Dazzle): 1250,         +4 Atk, +2 Def, +6 M.A, +2 M.D, Dodge +10%
Wild Lotus: (Seduce) Slut>10: 2000, +2 Atk, +2 Def, +5 M.A, +2 M.D, +25 MP
Pandarian Garb: (Overpower) Slut>15: +5, +4, +2, +4, Hit, Evason +15%
Mirage: (Distraction) (Slut>8), +3 Atk, +3 M.A, +2 M.D (Dodge +15%)
Temptress:(Seduce),(Slut>15),   +0, +0, +6, +1, Lewd damage +25% 

Accessories:     $       Atk, Def, M.A, M.D
Simple Ring: (Chest),75, +1, +0, +0, +0
Simple earrings: 400     +1, +1, +0, +0
Good Luck Charm: 500     +2 MP, +20 HP
Focus Ring:     1000     +1 all stats
Octa charm: (Quest):     +0, +0, +1, +10    (-2 Atk, -2 Def. +9 M.D)
Wisdom Ring: (sex), ?,   +0, +1, +1, +1, +5 MP,
+ Ring of Wits:          +0, +0, +2, +2, +10 MP
+ Ring of Genius:        +0, +0, +0, +0, +20 MP
Golden Bracelet: 2000,   +2, +2, +1, +1
Zephyr Earrings: 1500,   +1, +1, +1, +1, Dodge +5%
Monk belt(sex):          +0, +1, +0, +2, +10 HP, +10 combat speed
+ Sacred Belt,           +0, +1, +0, +2, +10 speed, +50 HP
+ Pugilist's Belt,       +0, +3, +0, +3, +50 speed
Enhanced Mantle: (Chest) +1, +1, +1, +1, +20 HP, +2 MP
Endurance Ring:          +0, +1, +0, +1, +25 HP
+ Bull's Ring:           +3, +3, +0, +0, +25 HP
+ Ring of Ox:            +0, +3, +0, +0, +60 HP

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