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Download game Harem Collector [v0.53.1] [APK]

IMAGE GAME Harem Collector [v0.53.1] [APK]

Harem Collector [v0.53.1] [APK]

Icon thông tin Details GameHarem Collector [v0.53.1] [APK]

  • Tác giả Developer: Bad Kitty Games
  • Phiên bản Version: 0.49
  • Hệ điều hành Operating system: Windows, Linux, Android
Thẻ/Phân loại Tags/Category: 2D game, 2DCG, 3DCG, Anal Sex, Bukkake, Cosplay, Creampie, Fantasy, Group, Harem, Humor, Incest, Lactation, Lesbian, Male protagonist, Oral Sex, RPG, Slave, Tentacles, Tit, Toys, Turn based combat

About Game Harem Collector [v0.53.1] [APK]

Harem Collector [v0.53.1] [Bad Kitty Games]

Harem Collector is an early access, open-world hentai RPG where you play as a destitute adventurer who is nonetheless convinced that he is the greatest Hero of the land. After experiencing an unexpected windfall in the form of a huge mansion, he embarks on a quest to gather a harem of 151 girls to attend to his needs. Soon, he gets involved in a tangle of intertwining plots, fighting off demonic cults, foreign invaders, ancient curses, rogue slavers, and a traitor within his own harem! Will our hero be able to triumph over these adversaries and complete his Harem collection?​



In the game there are secret codes that can be used to get certain bonuses. These codes can be inputted either at the Naming Menu at the beginning of the game, or at the red switch inside the Manor Study.

Universal Codes
h9UeCK – One free Mid-Potion
p58Tkr – One free Essential Salts
KcQQrK – One free Potion of Resist Cold
f9p6QTn – One free Scroll of Fireball
XHgw5T – One free Clockwork Amusemente
3RMwgHYV – Snazzy paper crown (One per game)

External Codes

A code can be received at the end of the game Dungeon Assault. Said code gives a free t-shirt. – ??? Not sure anymore – Sorry :)

– A code can be received after finishing the first assignment (get to the end of the demo) of the game Ether Count. Said code will give you the Ether Battery, a reusable item that gives 100 mana once a day. – ??? Not sure anymore – Sorry :)

Name Screen Codes
– Gives enough EXP to level-up by 50 to the Hero, Felix, and any party member recruited after the code is used. Untill level 99.

– Gives 30 Resurrection Potions.

Red Switch Codes
The following codes can only be entered at the red switch, not at the Naming Menu:

Rule63 – Allows you to access the April Fools sex scene
JuFJrY – Allows you to access the first Patreon backer custom sex scene
JuFJrY1- adds scene to replay menu and makes it a random end quest H-scene
Bwjfnc – Allows you to access the second Patreon backer custom sex scene
Bwjfnc2 – adds scene to replay menu and makes it a random end quest H-scene

Name Codes
Naming Bonuses, in game bonuses that you get for giving your hero certain names that references games, TV shows and comics

Aeducan (House Aeducan from Dragon Age game series) – Gives 1 Proving Helm
Cartman (one of the main characters from South Park TV show) – +180 HP, -10 AGI
Larry (main character from the Leisure Suit Larry games) – Gives 1 Leisure Suit
Mario (main character from the Mario game franchise) – Gives three Mushrooms and a Scroll of Fireball
Shepard (main character from the first 3 Mass Effect games) – Gives a Markerlight Combat Item.
Stark (Tony Stark from Iron Man) – Gives the Mask Of Iron Man headgear and Cerulean a Dire Wolf follower

Stopped Clocks
– If you find a clock that has stopped, set it to 06-10-50 to get an Elixir. A clock can be found in Elvo’s House and another in the Eastfort Clock Shop.


-A new ancient mysteries quest, where a terrible spirits stalks Professor Hanelore’s students. Can you make Hanelore and Antimbits work together long enough to find a solution?
-Kyrie’s Love Quest is now available! Join her, Gui and Silas as they hit the town for a drinking party of epic proportions!
-Jalila, the elf village shopgirl, is now partially implemented.
-Four new music tracks, the Undead combat theme “Heterovania”, the Criminal combat theme “Criminal Scummies”, the new Mountain dungeon theme “Call of the Mound” and the new boss fight theme “Chaotic Whatever, Bitch”!
-Some new NPC sprites were added to the Elf Village.
-A whole ton of new “harem” chats!
-The first version of the new opening menu screen is now implemented!

Image Game Harem Collector [v0.53.1] [APK]


Other Information Game Harem Collector [v0.53.1] [APK]





Video Game Harem Collector [v0.53.1] [APK]

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Link Download Game Harem Collector [v0.53.1] [APK]

WindowsOS: Windows
Version: 0.49
AndroidOS: Android
Version: 0.49
LinuxOS: Linux
Version: 0.49

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