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Download game Portals of Phereon [v0.27.0.1]

IMAGE GAME Portals of Phereon [v0.27.0.1]

Portals of Phereon [v0.27.0.1]

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About Game Portals of Phereon [v0.27.0.1]

Portals of Phereon [v0.27.0.1] [Syvaron]


Portals of Phereon is an exploration/ management/ breeding / turnbased (on tilemaps) strategy game with Monstergirls.

There are 3 different maincharacters (female, male, futa) with a different set of abilities/ goals etc.
There will be a lot of base species
(currently 10 (Beast, Centaur, Harpy, Succubus, Mermaid, Plant,Insect, Lavagirl,Lizard and a Light Creature))
and ALL possible combinations as hybrids as your characterpool to recruit from/ breed.
(+ some special hybrids with more than 2 bases)
Npcs will mostly be variants of those species or completely unique ones.Exploration:
Go through randomly generated Portals, discovering/ recruiting new Species, finding interesting items/ events etc. and bring your rewards back home.
Some portals may need flying characters etc. to access.
The overworld map is also tile based.Combat:
Turn based on a tile map with permadeath. Characters have a lot of unique abilities, passives based on species. First all your characters act then all enemy characters. To make permadeath/injuries in this system not too frustrating, ranged abilities are very limited so enemies couldnt just focus all their attacks on one of your characters, instantly killing it. Instead characters are able to seduce others from far away, increasing their lust. While their lust is above 50% they get a lot worse (take double dmg, deal half etc.), so “ranged” characters still have a big influence on the game while not feeling too unfair. At 100% lust characters cant do anything except masturbate/fuck, effectively stunning them for a round.
mana and hp never regen naturally and the gametime passes during combat, making every single battle important, forcing you to think about how you want to prioritize your ressources (hp, mana, time, characters, etc.). (I always hate completely meaningless filler battles in games).Breeding:
Breed your characters’ traits/stats to create a team specially tailored to your playstyle and/or portal environments or to prepare for certain fights/fullfill requests etc.Town:
fight in arenas
train your characters/your sexSkills and put them to use in the brothel
build upgrades etc.
do quests/ interact with npcsSexScenes:
They will mostly be Image slideshows with descriptions etc. (maybe sometimes animated)
There will be a lot of random events that occur based on your party/ biome/ rng etc.
Npcs will have more complex scenes where you have a lot of choices.
I try to have everything porn related to also have gameplay consequences, so seeing sexScenes etc. is not the reward in itself, otherwise it would feel weird to be punished for it gameplay-wise.

Developer: Syvaron Patreon

Warning: Most cheat codes flag your save game as “cheated” and you can’t unlock traits etc. for the next playthrough.

Cheat CodeDescriptionLocation
moneygives moneyTown
stonegives stoneTown
woodgives woodTown
crystalsgives crystalTown
resourcesgives you all resourcesTown
maxexhaustionincrease player(max)exhaustionTown
commonitemgain a random item of a common rarityTown
rareitemgain a random item of a rare rarityTown
legendaryitemgain a random item of a legendary rarityTown
characterget a random basic characterTown
portalcreate random new portalTown
relationsmaxes out all town npc relationsTown
lewdsmaxes out all town npc lewdity (not considered cheating in v0.9.10.1)Town
tavernpointsgain points to use in the tavernTown
skillpointsgain points to use in the main character skill treeTown
breedinstantly breeds the two first characters in your party with basic focusesTown
unlimitedsets savetype as unlimited/the basic oneTown
evoallunlocks all body parts for the evolution main characterTown
eggrandom eggTown
makeeggget an egg from first 2 partycharactersTown
opmcmakes mc op(overpowered)Town
brothelrankincrease brothelrankTown
passtimepass 10 days without triggering events/thingsTown
mcexpgives 100xp to main characterTown
allspeciesunlock all formsTown
geneticsmax all genes for main characterTown
newgameplusstarts a newgame+ immediatlyTown
clearclears creation worldmodifierTown
scoutto reveal entire mapOverworld
eventto trigger an eventOverworld
restoreheal partyOverworld
gengenerates a new world with the same settingsOverworld
manaa lot of maxmana for main characterOverworld



Image Game Portals of Phereon [v0.27.0.1]


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Video Game Portals of Phereon [v0.27.0.1]

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WindowsOS: Windows
LinuxOS: Linux

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